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I walked to the art class and the door was closed. I didn't question it, so I walked up to it and I gave the door a very soft, but very noticeable knock. I stood there and looked around as there were still leaving the school, cheering that school was finally fone and over with. Wish I was them...happy to be out of school. However for me..out of school means that I either go back to my family or i go to my two jobs.

When I heard the door open, I looked to see a tall boy with dark blue died hair and tattoos, piercings, and yeah...it was Harry Styles. He looked at me funny and looked back into the class. "Are you holding detention today Ms?" "Strong of you to assume that I get detention," I said and he looked at me again. "Sorry...I just didn't know that you were going to be here," he told me and opened the door for me. I walked into the class and saw Mrs. Malik sitting st her desk.

"Alright! Nice to see that the two of you could make it," Mrs. Malik and got up. She walked to one canvas, picked it up, and passed it to Harry. "Thanks," he said before he took his seat and looked at his art for a bit. The teacher then went to the other canvas and picked it up. This time, she walked to me. "You guys can have as much time as you want to finish your artwork," she said with a smile.

"You do art?" I asked Harry and he chuckled. "Every second of every day. I love it. It's the only thing that can keep me from going over the edge," he said before picking up his paint and the paintbrushes that he was going to need. "You?"

"Same thing...it's another way for me to express myself, you know?" He hummed and I looked at my unfinished sketches. There were a few things that I was going to need to touch up on before I can start painting. As we were doing our art, we talked a lit more than we did this morning. His birthday is in February and it's on the 1st. He smiled pretty widely when I shared that mine was on Christmas eve.

"So I'm going to have to wish you a happy birthday and get you a gift," He said and I shook my head. "You don't really have to-" "I wasn't saying it as a question. I will do it. I'm a big spoiler to the people that I care for. I bought so many toys for my cat, and I only meant to buy him cat food. I bought Mrs. Malik's soon-to-be daughter an expensive outfit for when she grows up," Harry told me.

"Any exes that you spoiled? Or present girlfriend or boyfriend?" "Single. Always have been single. The only thing that I could get was a kiss from my cat. Pretty lonely life am I right?" He asked and I chuckled. Doesn't have to be that way anymore..."Is that so?" He asked and I looked up. "What?" I asked. Does this kid hear voices in his head or something? Is this one of those red flags that women get when they talk to certain guys?

He looked at me and I saw his green eyes sparkle and his smile widen. "My life doesn't have to be so bad anymore? That is what you said, right?" He asked me and I froze. Slowly, a blush came across my face. He smiled even more. "Well maybe your right. I did finally find a person that relates to me so well and understand me, you know? Like I finally feel a connection with someone that isn't married and pregnant, a cat, or a guy that I barely see."

"Hey!" Mrs. Malik spoke up defensively. I chuckled and nodded at him. "So when did you first start your art journey?" I asked and he thought for a moment. "Besides it being pretty bad, I'd say when I was 5. How about you?" "7 was when I was looking st videos about drawing, so I would say that was when I was starting to get serious about it," I shared and started to finish up on the art piece that was in front of me.

After about an hour of complete silence and music softly playing from Mrs. Malik's computer, Styles broke the silence and gained our attention.

"Well now I'm finished with my canvas if you want to take a look at it," he suggested and I looked at him, smiled, and nodded my head. Mrs. Malik was already making her way over to Harry. I put my art equipment to the side and stood up. I walked across of the classroom to get to where he was sitting. I looked over his shoulder and I was actually pretty impressed as to what he pulled together. "You weren't lying when you said that you express yourself through art," I told him and he nodded.

Same World (Larry Stylinson) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα