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How...how could he? He wouldn't do that though...right? I mean after everything that we have been through, I thought that we were in this shit together? I though as I was looking at the pictures that my sister took of Harry hanging out with some guy. I met Liam and Ed before, but they weren't the ones in the photo. Then there was the incident where Harry hid whatever he was looking at on his laptop yesterday. We didn't go out that night actually. I was too busy trying to figure out what he was looking at, but he wouldn't tell me and I couldn't figure out his password.

We actually got into a fight about it again yesterday. This is our first actual fight that didn't end with cuddles or kisses. He slept in the bedroom downstairs while I stayed in our shared bedroom. I didn't even spare him a glance this morning. We were just giving each other the silent treatment. Which was killing me very slowly. I just wanted to know what he was hiding from me on that computer...and who that guy was. I'm not saying that I'm completely believing what my sister's told me and showed me, but it's not a crime to be assured that nothing is going on.

I was getting ready for class and I was just trying to figure out how I can do a class when I'm currently arguing with my partner. We freaking share a class together! How are we going to teach together when we aren't talking. It made me a little frustrated, but I knew that I couldn't miss today just because of giving my boyfriend the silent treatment.

I grabbed my briefcase, helmet, and gloves. I walked out of the house, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and got onto my motorcycle. I put on my helmet and I slipped my gloves in before I started to head to work. Harry was already gone, but I wasn't going to be late anyways.

I just couldn't stop thinking about our fight and I just couldn't stop thinking about Harry. Like, if he has nothing to hide, then he could just tell me what the fuck is going on. I don't like secrets. I strongly believe that secrets ruin relationships. Surprises are a different thing though. Surprises are nice to have, but secrets aren't. I just see secrets as another form of lying. I don't like to think of Harry as a nasty liar, but with my mental situation already fucking me up, I can't help but think that. Maybe if I just ask him if there anything fishy going on. He's an awful liar anyways, so if I ask him straight up, then I'll know if I'm okay or not.

I park in the schools parking lot right next to Harry's spot. We have these spots under our names, so there's no avoiding each other here. I get off of my bike and I lock it. I take off my helmet and I walk inside of the school. Which I wish that I just stayed home instead because I see my boyfriend of one year, having a nice chat with another teacher that's attending here. I'm the mad jealous type, okay! I don't like other people being so close to my man. Even if we're in a fight.

"Mr. Styles!" I shout and Harry looked at me. "Don't we have classes to get ready for?" I asked rhetorically. He continues to look at me and I looked pretty annoyed already. "Be there in a minute." "I didn't ask for a minute, did I? Come on!" I then frustratingly shout and he looked shocked by it. However, the expression soon turned to anger. "Last time that I checked Mr. Tomlinson, you aren't the boss of me, are you? Do you pay me? Because if you do, then I have a shit ton of questions in my head." I stayed smiled and she made a 'tch' sound.

"That's what I thought. Now I am allowed to make friends with co-workers, but nothing more than friends. I'm a loyal lover thank you very much," he states and I just glared before I frustratingly walked away and I walked to our freaking classroom alone. "How fucking dare he? He thinks he has the right to talk to me like that even after all of the shit that he's done these past two days..." I whisper to myself.

Maybe he's seeing what wee seeing finally. Maybe he's seeing your true worth in this world. You know, he can go so far without you holding him back. He'll probably be singing his ass off if you were out of his life. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Harry saw who I was when we first met. You know that." He was just a blind bloke who hit a certain phase in life. You saw him in those photos. That guy was looking pretty good and Harry seemed to look really happy.

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