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It has been a week since my love promised our future together! I have never been so happy in my life, but I'm too freaking overwhelmed with emotions for me to pinpoint what emotion is running through my body. Like, is this even real? There's no possible way that I, Louis Tomlinson, is in a relationship with a sexy ass man like Harry Styles. Not only that, but there is no way that Harry had that much of an interest in me to promise his future with me. There is just no freaking way.

I was actually shopping for some ingredients that Harry wanted so that he can make a really fancy dinner tonight. I'm dating a freaking chef people. He always cooks some badass meals if he wasn't painting. He also makes some really great desserts too. He even told me that if he wasn't a painter, then he would've been a baker or chef for his own company. He doesn't like the idea of making something under someone's command, so he really like the idea of being his own manager at a restaurant.

I'm so freaking proud of him for having backup plans for his future. What made me really freaking flustered though is that Harry emphasized that he wants a future with me. Like as if he's determined to make that a reality.

Anyways! I was on the phone with Harry as I was in the baking area. "What if they don't have chocolate chips?" "What kind of store doesn't have chocolate chips Lou?" "I don't know. Chocolate chips are pretty popular you know?" "You are so cute I swear. If they don't have regular chocolate chips, then look for white chocolate chips. If they don't have that, then I guess I'm going to have to look for something else to make as a dessert." "I'm still going to try to look for it. Your desserts are always amazing," I said and I walked further down the aisle to see a big pack of chocolate chips.

"Found it. Although, it's a pretty big bag. Is that okay?" "That's fine baby. I can just use it for future creations too." I hummed before I took the bag and I tossed it into the cart. "Louis? Is that...is that you?" I turned and saw one of my little sisters at the end of the lane. It was Lottie and she was with Fizz. "Oh um...hey?" I greeted, but it came off as a question. "Everything okay baby?" "Gotta go Hazzy. My sister's are here and they seem like as if they wanted to talk. I'll call you right after alright?" "Okay...bye love." "By sun," I said and made a kissy sound before I hung up.

"Was that Harry?" Fizzy asks and I nodded. "You know he's a bad guy Louis," Lottie states and I rolled my eyes. "Neither of you know my boyfriend at all, and you think that you have the right to speak about my Harry like that?" I asked and the two stood there with nothing to say. "You don't and you don't know me like you think that you do. You tormented me. You didn't love me. You didn't cherish the fact that you had a big brother that cared for you infinitely. You didn't talk to me like how sisters should, and you weren't best buds with me, so don't act like we're cool with each other when we're clearly not."

"We're just looking out for yo-" "No the fuck you aren't. You just don't like the idea of me being with a guy. Well guess what? No matter what you may think about him or I, I will continue to love him. He is the only one who's making me happy and he is the only one who's the reason behind me being alive. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to call him so that I can get all that he needs and get out of here," I said, dialing Harry's number.

"Your done talking to them already?" "No, but they're being critical, so I wanted to talk to you. Now, what else did you need?" "Parsley. I thought I bought two cases, but I only see one. Ooh! Can you also get carrot cake while your there?" "You and carrot cake...sometimes I think that you love carrot cake more than me." "No silly. You're just the human version of carrot cake." "What the hell?" "Well I can't get enough of carrot cake, and I can't get enough of you, so..."

"You are so weird," I tell him, walking away from my ignorant sisters. I shopped for Harry before I was at the front, checking out my stuff myself. I bought myself and Harry a pack of gum. That is what we chew on whenever we are painting. It just helps us focus a lot more on our paintings. It really helps us focus on any distractions that we may get. I finish the payment process and I walk to my car that Harry and I both share. We bought it just the other day because we knew that we couldn't go on with a motorcycle for absolutely everything. We could try, but neither of us feel like doing that. We both agreed to just get a SUV, because it is a family car. We wanted to have kids in our lives at some point, so this car was the best choice.

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