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"I don't know what else to do..." I said to myself as I was standing in front of my family's house. I prepared myself for what was to come. I walked up the small steps and knocked on the door hesitantly. I was actually crying, because I am kind of scared right now and I just know that this will probably end pretty badly. Just protect the stomach...protect your unborn child...I reminded myself as I was hearing the door unlock. My mom looked at me and I saw her glaring at me after 3 seconds. "Hey mom...I really need to talk to you." "Well we don't want to talk to you." "Mom...please. You can hate me all you want, but I need to speak with you. It's about Harry and I."

She rolled her eyes, but she did let me in. I walked in and I walked to the den. I sat down and just stared at the ground. "Louis is here everyone, and he wants to talk!" My mother calls out and after about 5 or so minutes, I was surrounded by my family. "Thanks...um...I'm here because I really wanted to discuss with you guys, concerning a certain problem that I'm going through." "Are you and Harry already calling things off?" Lottie asked and I shook my head. "Um...it is about Harry, but I don't know if I can say what's wrong while he's here, so that's why I'm by myself."

"Your cheating on him?" "Wha-" "He's cheating on you?" "N-" "He's regretting putting a ring on your finger?" "Guys st-" "You're going to call off the wedding?" "It's-" "He's getting a su-" "I'm pregnant, alright?! I'm fucking pregnant! Jesus fucking Christ, let me speak for a god damn minute before you decide to be assholes and speak absolute bullshit!" I shouted with so much anger. Fucking god!

My family stops and they stare at me with shock. Which had me calm down, and let our some more tears because of what I just said. "Harry doesn't want us to go so fast, and I feel like shit because we are jumping into so many things really fast, and it's my fault. He didn't want to propose when we were only a year in, but he did it because he didn't want to loose me. He wanted me in his life and he just noticed that when we were on that break that we had. Now I'm feeling like an absolute ass because he's going to be a dad before he even gets married. It's...it's my fault, and I don't know what to do in order to fix it. I don't want to get rid of the baby, because it's our baby and I just...I just can't! If I did it, then Harry would be even more sad and upset, because he loves kids." I broke at that point.

"I don't know what to do! I love the idea of having kids with him and I wished for him to be the father of my kids, but I just feel like that he'll just run away when he hears about this. I don't want to push him into another thing that he doesn't want." "Louis...that man loves you," Lottie says and I just hid my face with my hands. "Honey..." I heard my mum say. I felt hands on my wrists and when they moved my hands away, I saw Daisy and Phoebe in front of me. "Lottie is right. Harry loves you. No matter what shit we put into your head, Harry loves you."

"I-" "No sweetheart, you have to listen to us. I know that we have a rather toxic relationship, but listen. Harry would do so much for you. When you got engaged, he was determined on marrying you. He IS determined on marrying you. He wants you in his life. He wants you to be at his side, so you need to do that with him. You need to let him know what's happening so that he sticks by you and make your pregnant self really happy. He will never stop making you happy and feel loved. This is only going to empower that even more." "Are you sure?" "Louis, we didn't like your relationship, but we weren't blind. Harry is in love with you. There was nothing that you could say that would decrease that. You two are so close and you two are just so determined to stick together. You two are freaking couple goals," Phoebe says.

"We're happy about what's happening, and this means that we are willing to finally accept your engagement and relationship with Harry. If we are willing to make this decision, then Harry is for sure going to be ecstatic about it." "I just....I don't know." "You'll never know baby. The only way that you'll know is if you tell him."

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