20 (Short)

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The couple were both still very heartbroken and very much apart. Neither of them had the heart to end things, so in a way they are still together. Their class yesterday was an absolute disaster. The students were able to tell that something was wrong with the couple really easily. Whenever Harry tried to speak, Louis would just cut him off and speak to them instead. Whenever Louis tried to help a student out, Harry would just make rebuttals for any advice that Louis gave them.

Each night at their house, they fought more and more. Which is something that they never thought would happen. Harry would argue that he's allowed to make friends with other co-workers. Which would give Louis a shot to tell him that he isn't allowed to get so close with them when he is in a relationship with someone else. Which opened another can of issues that were on their plate.

Harry would constantly say that he isn't cheating on Louis, but Louis doesn't believe him at this point. Because he would bring up the laptop issue and the men that Harry has been spotted with. "You don't need to know what I'm looking at 24/7!" Is always Harry's excuse to not share what he's been hiding. Because to be fair, telling your boyfriend you have only been with for 1 year that you're looking at engagement rings already is kind of an awkward conversation to have. "Oh yeah?! What about the men?!" "They're friends for fuck sake!" "Then how come I have never met them?!" "Because I don't want you to!" Which is a bad thing to say on Harry's part.

If he's telling the truth, they aren't his friends. Acquaintances sure, but not friends. Harry made it clear before that it's hard for him to make friends and he doesn't open up easily to others. The men that he's been seen with are in the music business. Harry wrote a song for Louis and he was going to have Louis sing it to him on their 1 year anniversary, but when Louis decided to pick an argument with him, Harry figured that it wasn't the right time.

This is Harry's first relationship after all. He doesn't know what he's doing half of the time. This is his first love and he's ruining it. He feels ashamed of himself that he couldn't do anything right. He couldn't even have a successful relationship with a boy that he truly loves.

Which lead him to this point. The couple needed more space from each other, so they decided to move out of the house for a little while and move back in with their families. Little did they know...their families were planning this entire thing this whole time. They saw the fame and attention and the money that the boys have been making, so they wanted a part in it. They figured that if they had the couple break up and go back to the way that they were before, they would get all of the things they wanted. Especially if this leads to the boy's death.

What they don't know is that their famous boys aren't broken up. They even made that clear without breaking out into another fight. When it was their final moments together, Louis just asked, "So are we like...done? Is this the end for us I mean? I don't want it to be, but if you want it to be, then I won't stop you?" He looked at Harry and saw the man picking up his helmet. When Harry looked at Louis, both men saw how broken they bother were.

"No. I don't want this to end, but I think...I think some space from each other is what we need right now..." He responds before he slipped his shoes on. "Will we get better?" Louis then asked as the two of them were getting on their motors. "Let's hope..." Harry spoke lastly, switching his engine on. He waved at Louis, and Louis was sure to wave back before both boys went their separate ways. Both hearts... completely shattered.

Harry returned home and when he walked into the house, his parents were sitting in the living room, and he saw Gemma on her phone in the kitchen. "I'm back...I guess..." Harry spoke with a broken heart and soul. "Welcome back honey. Don't think that you're at fault dear. That silly Louis will think of an-" "I said I'm back. I didn't say that I wanted to talk," Harry declared, cutting his mother off.

He walked upstairs to his room, and he was met with his cat along the way. "I totally forgot to get you when I left, I'm sorry Rosie," he says and picked up his cat. His cat then sniffed his face before licking it. She began to meow a lot because of how much she missed him. "I know baby girl, I missed you too. I'm back now, okay?" Harry assured, walking into his room. He crashed onto his bed and he allowed his furry cat to rest in his chest.

"I really did fuck up, didn't I?" Harry asked himself, referring to his cute and wonderful boyfriend. He never thought that his actions would be like this, but he didn't know what else to do. He just couldn't see himself confessing to the boy of his dreams that he was actually thinking about marriage.

"Meow?" "It's nothing Rose. Just a great guy who I fucked shut up with..."


Louis went back home and he saw his family standing outside, waiting for his arrival. "I don't want to face them right now..." He said out loud as he parked his motorcycle on the curb. He gets off, but before his family could saw anything, they watched Louis dash right by them and up to his room. Louis slammed the door and that alerted his dog.

"Oh my god, Cliff!" Louis exclaimed and came to his dog with opened arms. Clifford licked Louis and just kept licking him. "I missed you too boy. Hey...wanna be my listener for a bit?" Louis asked his pet dog and Clifford just barked. "Good, it's about this guy named Harry," he says before he went on his long rant about it the current issue that they were going through. Louis even paced around the room, talking about. That was how deep he was thinking.

"And I just don't know if we're going to be okay or not. Like I love him like a shit ton, and I don't want him out of my life ever...what should I do?" He asks the labradoodle, but when he looked at the dog, he saw the dog sleeping. "Alright...I guess it is time to shut up and nap for a little bit. Thanks for listening though bud..." Louis spoke with a grown as he laid in his bed and just thought about Harry the entire night.

Which had him catch no sleep that night. He really wants his Hazzy back. Even if it meant letting this shit go...he just wants his lover back with him.

"I miss you so much already..." Both boy mumbled to themselves, closing their eyes, attempting to take the pain way.

Which was a lot easier said than done....


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