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It was Louis's turn to talk to my family because of this engagement thing and I've never seen him so nervous before. He's stated that he had no problem putting them in their place if he needed to, and I believe him on that. Louis is definitely not the type to worry or be scared of other people. He nearly fought my dad once because he witnessed my dad hitting me across the face. I had to hold him back from stabbing the guy. Yeah...he was holding a knife at the time. What my dad did get though was a good hit at the crotch. That's as all that I was going to let him hit anyways. If murder wasn't a thing, then I would've probably allowed my dad to get a stab. Not that I was thinking about it anyways.

"Hey..." I said, reaching and placing my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and let's out some air. "It's going to be alright. No matter what they say, I'm still going to marry you. There's no stopping me at something like that." "Really?" "You really think that I asked you to marry me because my family approved of it? They didn't give a damn about my life and they hated the fact that we are a thing. However, I don't give a fuck either. I don't care if they don't like it. I don't care that they have judgements about me. Just like how I handled things with your family is how you should be with mine." "But they were against the marriage and everything. They were going to forc-" "They weren't going to force me to do anything baby. I'm marrying you and that's that. I'm not going to call things off because some homophobes are against it."

Yeah, his family was not so approving of the whole engagement thing...shocker, right? However, when they saw that I wasn't he ping to end it, they just glared and whispered their judgements to themselves. Louis was quite happy and relieved that I didn't end it.

Which is something that he will never expect from me. However, he's moved out of that house now and I'm in the process of packing my own things. I just never had a day to pack. I was either with Louis or I was just out thinking about how great my life is turning out. He wanted to see my family, because he knew that it was only fair for him to talk to his soon-to-be in laws.

I gave him one last comforting hug, and he melted the moment for about 5 minutes. I then pulled away and opened the door. He hopped out himself and we walked to the front door together. He grabs onto my hand when I raised my hand to knock on the door. I have it a tight squeeze, knocking on the door a few times.

We waited for a little bit and when the door was opened, we saw my dad. "Hey dad...um...Louis wanted to talk to you guys." "No need to smooth talk it..." Louis whispered under his breath. "And so do I," I then said and I felt Louis relax a lite more. "Okay..." He says and moved to the side. "Where's mom?" I asked, walking into the house. "She left. She was serious when she told you that she was leaving me. Gemma is at her apartment," he tells me and I looked at him. "That was why she was mostly quiet while you were here. She didn't want you to think that she was against you anymore. She didn't know how to apologize to you either." "Really?" "Yes, but if you still wish to talk to me, then I'll listen." I nod my head and we walked to the study with my dad. He sits in his leather chair and he looks out of the big window right next to his desk.

"Um...I know that this is going to be a bit sudden for you to grasp, but this is something that is going to be permanent whether you like it or not, but um..." I look at Louis and he was focused on his fingers. "I'm engaged father," I finally say and I look back at my dad. He hums and slowly turns to look at Louis and I. "Even as young as you are?" He asks and I nodded my head. "The break that I had with him was just killing me, and I couldn't stop missing him. Every day, I was just so tempted to paint his face, but I just settled on painting or drawing how the break was smiling me feel. I was sad that I made him sad. He drives me crazy dad," I confessed and I felt a hand holding my forearm. "We talked to his family and they are pretty against it, but I still wanted to be fair and tell you guys that this was happening." He hums again and I was nervous that he was going to hurt me right in front of my fiancé.

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