9. Lovers' Keeper

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Author's POV

The two of them found each other when they needed someone the most...he found her when he had lost everybody and needed a hand to save him from drowning and she was there...

And as for her, she was lonely, she never had any idea why she was helping him out...but she was addicted to his company...and first time in a long time she felt she had someone permanent....

The two complemented each other, what she lacked he fulfilled, Y/N was always low on expressing her emotions where as Jungkook understood she had a tough past and helped her get better at it...

Whereas Jungkook was low on confidence in this new world and she always hyped him up for the littlest tasks that made him nervous in the normal human world....

After her exams she took a small break from work accompanying Jungkook to the Gym. As Jungkook was trained really tough it was hard for him to understand that he couldn't give the kids the same beatings he had received when he was young, he had to be gentle with everyone...and he was changing...becoming the best version of his ... Y/N was there to handle him

They were there for each other till the end of the line...

Time skip

Few weeks later


The next few weeks were good , I had eventually reduced my shifts, and now that I had my MD my salary was more and on the other hand Jungkook was doing a great job at the Gym teaching kids, getting along with everyone, he had become really fond of the kids... he would non-stop go on about what he taught to whom and how his students were becoming better at things, he was a proud teacher always bragging about his students... his stories always put a smile on my face...and yes I did receive his obvious hints that he wanted to make babies with me in the future... A man with a history like his wanting babies... It was adorable... He'd always say... A girl and a boy... That'd be so nice, to actually think of it

However, he wasn't really fond of my work, he'd always make faces when I told him how I had to stitch someone's chest up after a bypass surgery and of course I understood him, it was normal to react like that...it was too bloody for me too sometimes...

We were financially sound, and everything was in place, hence we decided to take a mini weekend vacation...

Jungkook's POV

I had everything, a job I loved, a loving girlfriend, a small house....I felt settled down in life for the first time. The past was way behind us, we told each other that we weren't interested in the past and would never dwell upon it, though I always wanted to know how many boyfriends she had and she told me "0" , I couldn't believe it but she told me her brother was really strict and didn't allow her to date so she got into the habit of living alone, and now that I had asked her the question I wanted to come out clean to her 

I explained to her I had had casual relationships before with 2 women and many other encounters... but she wasn't swayed by it... she trusted me fully, she knew she was my priority and she owned my future, no past could change her love for me....we both understood each other better than we ever understood ourselves....we learned to love ourselves through each other and that was the greatest lessons of our lives....

My job was the next best part of everyday. Watching all the kids in my class, I'd always wonder how nice it would be to have our own kids maybe a son and a daughter, they'd sure be  smart and beautiful just like their mother... I never remember waking up so happy... or excited to go office in my past... this was perfect for me...

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