Return to the tomb

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the world of Ainz Ooal Gown 

[Shalltear] master was that a good idea to ally with them if they betray us .

[Ainz] worry not that man is not the type to betray but the type that would destroy a world for his friends that's why I'm trying to become his ally to avoid his wraith .

[Shalltear] of course milord can our forces hold out that long through we have already been at war for 3 years.

[Ainz] this is part of the plan Demiurge and I came up with the only way to win without sacrificing all of the guardians and most likely myself  as well .

[Shalltear] of course Demiurge had a plan as long as we don't have to follow any of Albedo's plans I always die in hers. I'm okay with his plans most of us survive at least.

[Ainz] true she has been I bit unstable sense the war began if we couldn't revive my troops we would have lost the war a long time ago . I hope Rimuru convinces Makoto to join us we need all the firepower we can get our hands on.

[Shalltear] master we have arrived it's on fire like usual .

[Ainz] sigh Shalltear  slaughter those angels it seems most of our defenses have held the ones that have fallen cannot be used by anyone. as usual Demiurge has surpassed my expectations .

[Shalltear] master the path is clear lets hurry home i miss the tomb .

[Aura ] look Mare master and shalltear are back be ready for a meeting .

[Mare] I hope they have good news the angels are destroying my fortresses almost as fast as i make them .

[Aura] master never fails  I'm sure there's a plan to win .

[Albedo] master is finally back I'll head to the throne room .

[Demiurge] i wonder did the plan go well from the reports it seems one world will fall soon master won't be happy about it but we don't have the forces to spare .

[Ainz] my guardians I'm glad you survived so how goes the war  demiurge.

[Demiurge] of course we have held in all the important locations we have lost several of the human kingdoms the humans tried to rebel against us seeing the angels as gods the angels didn't care and killed them i chose not to waste forces on them.

[Ainz] hmm that's acceptable losses if I have I'll revive some after the war. I don't want to run out of humans nobody will try to fight us if they aren't around Albedo our reports .

[Albedo] there has been no problems no invader has made it past the fourth floor now with Shalltear back they wont make it that far .

[Ainz] I see perhaps it wasn't wise to take Shalltear with me . 

[Demiurge] no it was good practice for nazarick nothing gets past Shalltear. I have a few more reports the first one is that there hasn't been any sightings of the gods in a while so we interrogated one of the angels we found out that the gods are having a war counsel so they have been recalled.                                                                                                                                                                   another report is in regards to the other worlds the first attack of angels has arrived in Makoto's galaxy it appears he has moved to engage them .                                                                                                    the world of Rimuru has been left alone for now most likely that's what the war counsel is about .

the world of the witch has received a massive amount of angels luckily for us is that there is a barrier that keeps them out for now so they have possess humans in order to control them they have about one million angels waiting for the barrier to fall.                                                                              the demon kingdom of that world will fall as soon as it does the only hope that world has is the witch .

[Ainz] I see that's not good maybe she'll brake her limits to become a true witch that'll destroy everything in her path.

I do have some good news for once I have managed to form a alliance with the slime god Rimuru he was stronger than I thought do not show him any disrespect or you might not see another day he isn't someone I want to fight.

so Demiurge the plan was success and he's going to try to add Makoto to the alliance he most likely will succeed we need to be ready for whatever the gods throw at us.  Demiurge proceed to the next stage of the plan .

[Demiurge] as you command master. 

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