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[war counsel of the gods ]

[war god] why have we been called here we need to focus our attack now before they try to ally .

[wisdom god] you fool the angels keep getting pushed back we need to sent gods to destroy them.

[strategy god] not gonna happen if they consume any god souls they might evolve.

[death god] true that slime already consumed a true gods soul only master can defeat him .

[war god] yes we destroy the other 3 worlds before master will take him on .

[life goddess] so which world should we focus on the angels have been repelled on that Lich's world for the third time already .

[strategy god] and i just got a report that the angels we sent to the god crusher world got wiped out by a true dragon if that does posses a true dragon only gods could bring it down .

[war god] damn it how could that be maybe we should focus on that witch's world if we hit the barrier with enough power it should crack open.

[trickster goddess] you could go break the previous god of that world and have her open it up.

[death god] not gonna work she passed the barrier to the witch before she was removed the witch has enough power to keep it up we would need to kill her .

[life goddess] how would we do that none of our current forces on that world can defeat her .

[war god] very true she killed a hundred hero's without taking damage perhaps we should take the most powerful hero and put a  mad gods soul into him to have him deal with her .

[wisdom god]  are you stupid letting one of them it would attack our forces first we can't afford to lose that many angels and hero's for nothing.

[strategy god] wisdom is right the mad god would takeover the demon lords forces causing more problems than fixing .

[life goddess] so is force is our only option its the only way unless we destroy the sun that would deal with all the weakling and force the witch to come out to fight.

[death god] are you really a god of life cause that's dark but a suppose it would work depending on the sun is there a sun god in control of that one .

[war god] i don't believe so but the witch is  a human who has reached the pinnacle of humanity no angel will be able to touch her well maybe a true angel but those are extremely rare so which gods should we send to each world. 

[death god] shouldn't matter she is still human any god could do it i am more worried about the other three we should only send battle hardened gods to deal with them.

[strategy god] we don't have enough of those to deal with them they are god killers after all i say we send seven war gods to fight the undead ainz to end that nuisance  send five low rank gods to the witch they need to get the experience and five middle rank gods to the god crusher they need to face some danger to not  get arrogant us elder gods should keep an eye on the slime gods world.

[death god] i suppose that's all we can spare our forces spread thin throughout our universes we have lost too many gods and angels in these wars.

[life goddess] alright i think that settles that should we end this meeting so we can give orders to the others.

[war god] yes that's all everyone's dismissed .

[we go to the prison of the gods]

[ former peace goddess] how long have i been prison janitor i can't tell time down here does time even move here hmm i haven't heard anything about them winning the war so i can assume Azusa is kicking their ass but if the true god is called in there is no hope she will fall sooner or later a pity hmm wait a second that Ciel was a powerful god had wanted to visit my world to see those cute slimes perhaps she and her husband will assist Azusa if they help her she could survive i can only hope.

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