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Authors note this chapter was kinda fun for me so enjoy I rate this chapter 4 out of 10

Back to Rimuru's world
Makoto internal
Best solution is to grab Narberal and Sebas and run away before hopping into my dimension need to be quick there are more coming

No running away I was told to watch out for people coming from a another world my eyes tell me that you are otherworlders

As much as I would love to play I can't until my ally shows up so please be patient

Or I could fight now and be praised for it

Makoto internal
Damn no one's gonna believe us I guess the plan overload one of my rings throw it in her face hop out of here

Do you like jewelry oh great demon lord? perhaps I could interest you in some rings

Trying to buy me won't work

Makoto internal
Ok ring in the face is a no go but if I throw several into the air that produces a lot of water it might distract her luckily Sebas and Narberal are close just need to open a portal for them overloading my rings now .

We'll talk again demon lord so long.

Makoto tosses two rings into the air both of them exploding making enough water to fill several lakes he rushed towards Narberal and Sebas opening a gate as the water crashed around them Milim got hammered by several tons of water completely unharmed but very irritated at the fact they got away Benimaru and Souei arrived only seconds after the water crashed down

Lady Milim what happened .

Oh I messed up I should've punched them not talk I watched him put magic into his rings expecting a direct attack not to drop a lake on everything around us he ran to his allies then turned to mist or maybe that was the water making it look that way .

Hmm the water seems to have covered whatever magic he casted.

We've confirmed one thing they at least possess one somewhat strong person .

I was looking forward to fighting him for a human he was a rarity I didn't think a normal human could have that much magic .

Normal human ?

Yea no titles like hero or anything just a human that was a pure ball of magic

This is troubling do you think the resistance will try to recruit him.

I doubt it his subordinates were butchering them before I arrived the water washed the bodies away I guess.

Yes I watched them kill them with ease I don't know why he didn't kill me he was trying to get me to stay quiet then bound me .

That makes no sense if he didn't mean harm why run ?
Makoto and Ainz meeting

I see things didn't go as planned attacked by bandits and a strange demon lord I believe your luck is worse than mine .

Yea it is I expected bandits but not a random demon lord horrendous luck I'm debating from what I could tell two more demon lord class were closing in on me before I left how many does Rimuru possess .

Hmm unknown but we've confirmed at least five with our eyes who knows how many there are I believe we should give up on scouting using real bodies maybe puppets if we continue.

We could but it'd leave a trail of magic leading them to whoever is controlling it so five is the minimum amount of heavy hitters he has should we lay low for a while waiting on Rimuru to call us .

Is there a point to any of this lets just relax do you need any help .

No not really I've been thinking on how to strengthen the dimensions defenses in case we get invaded .

We could get invaded in your dimensions.

Yea it's hard to do but not impossible it has only happened three times but one of those was intentional so yea that would be bad .

Hmm to strengthen dimensions I'll try to think of something and what are the conditions to invade.

Me not being in here.

Oh how bout not leaving this dimension .

I suppose that is the easiest method.

I believe the black numbers are ready for war it'll be glorious .

We have had contact with some new otherworlders they flee every time we get close.

Do we know what they look like or their names.

Yes but Milim is bad at descriptions and Souka only got one of them at least he appeared to act like the leader of that group we're making posters to make sure he doesn't sneak by the civilians .

They made it through Rimuru-samas barrier without breaking it and are capable of evading even us but do not attack .

And Milim says the guy was a normal human just with a lot of magic .

I think the person might be the one who Ainz ooal gown was talking about a human capable of fighting gods Rimuru-sama was heading there first so he might've been sent here it matches up I'll go around to see if Ainz ooal gown is with him if he is they might show themselves .

Diablo is going to look around he has met one of the allies he thinks they'll appear before him being acquaintance to one .

Hmm well if Diablo on the case I need to get back to my ever-growing paperwork .

Yes I imagine it's horrendous ever since Rimuru-sama left how does it feel to lead a country .

Sucks I'd run away too making up some random excuse but Shuna and Shion would hunt me down .

True I'd best get back to my job there are a lot of foreign politicians waiting I'm guessing they've finally figured out that Rimuru-sama was gone .

They really are quite slow unfortunately the pathetic resistance the otherworlders wiped out was only about half of them the other camps in the forest scattered the hobgoblins are busy chasing them down .
With Ainz

Demiurge are the repairs finished ?

Close they'll be done in a couple of hours .

Makoto informed of the possibility that we could be invaded even if we are hidden in his dimension so we need to be ready .

Are there any conditions that need to met for someone to invade his dimension .

Yes apparently it had only happened when he wasn't physically in his dimension the defenses must weaken when he leaves Makoto said until further notice he will not be leaving in order to avoid invaders .

Its excellent that we've learned more about this dimension we'll need this to exploit it if deemed necessary .

Tomoe i don't think we should trust Ainz's subordinates Sebas was ok but I feel somewhat uneasy having them around .

I'm glad you've noticed .

They feel corrupted to me not tasty .

Be careful around them avoid telling them about how this place works as soon as this war is over we ditch their world as fast as possible .

I see I believe that you are correct no more info will be given .
They haven't shown themselves at all could it be they can't see out their hiding spot hmm
oh my beloved master is getting close oh the ice continent is where he'll be I'm going there now.

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