Slimes puppets

443 19 1

authors note sorry for the long delay i got addicted to (the tutorial is too hard) I recommend it and this chapter is mediocre at best
To Azusas battle

Something feels wrong the goblin hybrid has changed up his fighting style .

has snuck up on her hiding in her shadow waiting on gobta .

ranga to gobta
souie has hidden her shadow go all out he'll kill her .

roger that it'll burn all of our magic we won't be able to keep the fusion if he fails we'll retreat to follow rimuru orders dieing is illegal .

charges azusa as fast as possible Azusa try's to dodge but he still manages to deliver a cut meanwhile Souei appeared from the shadows slicing one of her heads the head named wendy

is shocked by what had just happened realizing if she doesn't distence herself from them it means death so in a attempt she makes mixes divine destruction with a raging winds blasting them far away from herself in order to heal but such things as time are not on her side 
one of the rampaging gods Rimuru has set loose has it's eyes on her as a tasty treat before going for the main course the place he has released me to is full of strong ones I shall devour them then kill him none shall stand in my way


Rimuru you should've taken more of his free will he's already planning to kill you 
and that girl won't last much longer while having that much blood loss.

doesn't matter she's just fodder even barely could stand against two low gods if you could even call them gods didn't even bother saving her world only revived her and her daughters  oh master what have you done to them .

oh them i've put them to sleep for now i'm wondering if I should make them forget everything along with azusa might drop her off in Blumund after the wars over I'll just use the souls I got from her world as backups no need to waste time or energy making new ones or I can use them to evolve more of my subordinates  .

you're losing sight of the reason we went to that world to begin with aren't you husband .


how annoying this women is it's pointless to defeat her if I do the oni girl will come if I beat her that old man will try by the time i do more will have shown up i need a way out azusa will most likely fail to escape or return and ainz has his hands full fighting the red oni .

I wonder how far does the barrier go underground if I target it he will make it go deeper but what if it's not me targeting it if dragon girl does it of course this plan is stupid getting blasted by her is unhealthy but what choice do i have there's no guarantee he will end this anytime soon and if i died what would happen to the worlds hidden in my dimension would it crumble without me would they appear right here upon my death four worlds coliding with each other could he even fix that .

but first I'll need to fool dragon girl hey girl is this the best you got i've faced dragons before but you aren't living up to your reputation you should let the oni take over they might have a chance .

oh taunting me are you i wont fall for such nonsense .

i'll need to be cruel
you sure weakling how long have you been his pet dragon I wonder how did he tame you was it with food entertainment friendship i doubt it was love you're too small for his taste .

oh no i might've went too far the amount of magic she's releasing will destroy this city this is gonna hurt so much .

die bastard consecutive dragonbuster

starts pummeling makoto into the ground making a crater that is deeper than any mine that has ever been dug before any trace of the man named makoto has been erased .

milim I think you should stop i can't feel his presence anymore you crushed him .

huh sorry bout that I lost it a I should've beaten him a bit slower well lets go play with the others .


meanwhile with Ainz
that was a extreme amount of magic makoto is no longer with us what happened to my world he had it with him does the dimension disappear with him damn it I need to find his body fast he might still be alive I'll bring his corpse back to life if not.

you are losing focus the last of the intruters everyone else of your group is dead .


damn it everything is getting blurry i've lost too much blood  I swear i'm gonna beat up that man if I get out of here huh whats this a new presence incoming.

One of the rampaging gods
has entered the battle against azusa and gobta

hello little girl time to die
Azusa didn't even react his speed was far beyond her in her condition he grabbed her by her neck biting her head off then devouring her entire body before Gobta even reacted .

was stunned that lady was not weak but even in weakened condition she was a awakened demon lord level to bite through flesh with ones teeth was unthinkable Souei orders please i'm out magic to fight such a monster .

I've called Shion and Milim they're coming assist after defeating their opponent .


Hey oni it would be a bad idea to continue fighting we have company .

Yea I know I'm gonna deal with you first .

You lot are unreasonable we didn't even attack you we were just thrown into this city by your damn leader despite being so called allies besides it's here we can finish this fight later.

Rampaging god two launches itself at Benimaru
Burn annoyance
It tanked the fire without taking any damage but misses it's attack now between Ainz and Benimaru
Ainz attacks it with blackhole it resists it while Benimaru throws hellfire at it pushing it back into the blackhole ainz plants some mines in the escape routes .

Honestly the rampaging god didn't stand a chance against them.

Deep in the planet someone has spread his soul out to avoid detection.

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