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I run hard my legs burn and my mind races. I start to think I feel it's breath on my neck. I think of my boys I have to be there for them. I let my wolf take over she won't hold back out of fear.  She takes a zig zag path trying to confuse the beast she knows these woods but it's not enough our legs are tired and we are still to far out from the pack to be heard. In a last ditch effort I take back control and climb a tree. I pull out my phone and text Gage.

N:help come to the woods I'm under attack

G: I'm not falling for that little mate 

Ñ:I swear on the boys lives there is a new wolf 🐺 chasing me

G: it's probably one of the skulls

N:it killed Mary Ellen

There is no response I pray that he believes me. I was in the tree too long and the wolf is beginning to climb up after me. One of his claws digs into my leg.  I kick wildly at it and connect with its face. Blood lust has taken over the wolf and it claws and bites me until I fall. It hurts all over. I make it to my hands and knees before I am crushed back down. He is so heavy I can barely breathe. It begins to sniff me and I lay still at least until I feel it start to sniff my lady parts. I cross my legs and that earns me a growl. Gage  and the beta knock the wolf off of me  I run and hid behind a tree like the chicken /she wolf I am. The wolf takes the beta down and bite a chunk out of his neck. He goes still Gage he knocks Gage down and comes to the tree I am hiding behind. More skull appear and the wolf turns away and head deep into the woods. After him Gage yells his right arm is hanging on by a few tendons. Both beta's are gone I cry. They have each other he said pulling me into his good arm. In another few seconds that could have been us. Gage was injured we would have been easily killed. Gage got patched up and we went home that night I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I locked my windows and doors.

**More too come tomorrow****

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