38 puppeteer

238 13 3

Malcolm master vampire

I writhe on the floor with pleasure at the raw power of the energy they released and I syphoned away. The only thing that could have made it better is if I had experienced it first hand. In time I will have her under my control. Then I will rule the pack and the bears with the most powerful groups at my disposal I will take over the town in no time. But to do that I need her broken then she will come to me and beg to feed  so she can escape. I stare at the man who will deliver her to me. 

Gage pov

I am tossed in a cell but it's too much of a kindness for what I was about to do to my son for what I did to Noley.  She's probably dead I slam my fist in the wall no I would have felt it if she was gone . I have to get the back but I can't think of how. What do you want vamp I say . Wolf what a pity you could not handle such a menial task as collecting your mate and pups and leaving town the vampire says. You could have helped you know I sneer at him. I don't get involved in matters of the heart he says leaning against the bar of my celll in the dungeon. So what do you call waving those divorce papers around in my face huh I yell . Is vamp is really pissing me off he knows I have failed to get my family back yeah he stands so close mocking me. I told you what you needed to do don't fault me for your failures wolf he says in a condescending tone. Well I have no chance now of getting them back so just leave. SA defeatedly. He walks along the cage out of place in his velvet suit he looks like a figure from another time. Giving up so quickly eh he says shooting me a disappointed glance. There's nothing I can do I'm in here and even if I do escape and bring war to my father's pack he has witches bears all sorts of freaks I say tossing a rock at the wall. Silly wolf going straight to thoughts of war you have to think strategically sometime the vampire says I'm angry but the vamps seems to have a plan and I don't so for now I'll stay on his good side. Well what should I do I say to him for starters those divorce papers haven't been signed and knowing you're Noley she will want to marry her bear King soon enough dangle them in front of her like a juicy steak and she'll bite and fall into the trap he says cryptically spell it out vamp I don't do mine games he lets loose and exasperated sigh it's like working with children he says then continues on set a trap wolf tell her to look you come & the divorce papers let her know it will be peaceful bring someone that she thanks wouldn't betray her but have them on your side. Do you have anyone like that wolf he asked raising an eyebrow you know that I do vamp ice near but again I'm in a cell am I pack is two states away I say in a flash the vamp has the bars ripped off my cell he's stronger than I thought and I make a mental note of that. We are not enemies wolf The vamp says then stop reading my mind I say coldly and walk past him out of the sale. Then stop thinking so loudly the vampire says with a chuckle. We walk out of the sale in the dead of night. It's almost too easy I glanced at the vamp what did you do I say. Just got a little foreboding spell from a witch I know he says and what does that do I ask well it'll make the wolf's side antsy any wolf that comes within a 20 mile radius will feel like they want to jump out of their skin he says as though he's talking to a student and why would a witch give you something that powerful I asked I gave her some of my blood in return we barter like this often wolf you should try it genji more allies than enemies and I hear you have a lot of enemies the vampire says I contemplate his words they don't sound threatening so I take the advice and stride maybe I will.

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