Chapter 14 Desert heat

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Cabin In Vegas

Cabin In Vegas

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Noley PJ's

Noley what a pleasant surprise Gage said as I approached. there were two Gucci luggage sets next to him which caused my heart to sink we were still going to Vegas. You summoned me so it can't be to much of a surprise i said while rolling my eyes at him. Temper Temper he said smugly and trailed a finger down my bruised cheek as a warning. Play nice Noley just like at home i said to myself remembering the time with my father when he would get angry. I lowered my head,"I'm sorry Alpha that was rude of me" He stared at me in confusion, then he scented the air looks like your wolf is starting to develop I cant wait to meet her. I gulped and continued to stare at the floor. he gently took my bruised hand in his , your even healing faster can you feel your wolf stirring yet he asked. i shook my head no. 

the flight was uneventful except for a bit of turbulence. the low cut of the dress left nothing to the imagination as far as my breast were concerned. Slade seemed to appreciate the effect the turbulence had on them as they giggled along with the plane earning him a stern look from Gage. even though Slade was an ass i didn't want to see another punishment like the one mateo and barry had endured.  so i sat on Gage's lap to keep him from getting up. I snuggled in to him and he pulled me closer. I hadn't intended to but i fell into a deep sleep by the time we arrived i was refreshed but for some reason the already stand offish skulls seemed to avoid me even more. I gazed up at Gage , why are they being so weird i asked. They're just following orders he replied. What orders i asked trying to keep my temper in check until i could find escape. they are not allowed to look at you or talk to you, i wont risk you getting attached to any other wolves he said with finality. 

it was going on day two of our trip to "Vegas" if that's what you would call it. there were no bright lights or casinos in store for me however. there was just a cabin in the desert and Gage. he kept me locked away in a room with movies and books to keep me entertained. when i was permitted out of the room the skulls were no where to be seen. there were no phones either just the endless desert, he had me all to himself. I was about to lay down to take a nap when i felt a searing pain where Gage had bitten me, then the worst cramps i ever had in my life. i doubled over in pain screaming for Gage. My pj's were covered in sweat. In an instant Gage slammed in to the room and gathered me in his arms.

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