Fighting Nature 47

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       Noley POV

My boys are turning 13 today and I am miserable and pregnant. Hunter has taken the boys fishing while Julie and I set up the town has changed immensely since the night gage was killed the wolves are a bit lower in the power structure and the bear shifters are now head of the town , which made me happy and if it wasn't popular no one would dare tell me my power continues to grow and has a habit of attacking people that piss me off. Blame the pregnancy hormones.julie still has her figure and we're both 6 months along how ever shes only carrying one cub for Rich and I'm pregnant with you guessed it twins this time it's a boy and girl. This pregnancy feels right though Hunter hovers like he is a mama bear it took a lot of late night persuading to get him to take the boys fishing. He hasn't left my side since the first invasion before I got pregnant. Since the video was released of me breaking the spell there been a few brave souls who came to challenge hunter for me which is archaic. Hunter has killed them all easily but he is always on edge even with the house being warded. Malcolm even though I trust him as far as I trust a snake came up with a theory that my incubus power may be leaking causing the suitors to come we have been working together to get it under control. Hunter was skeptical at first but there has not been another ambush for the last four months.

The zoo theme works well with the landscape the boys come in each holding a fish causing me to gag but  I kiss my boys anyhow and send them to get ready for the party hunter has caught 20 perch for the party bears and there fish gotta luv them. Rich has one but it's huge he trails behind with a big grin. Soon enough the party is in full swing Noland loves the attention and his brother hangs back. A familiar scent hits my nose and I scan the room there is a woman  with deep with deep mahogany skin she turns and I look into my mothers eyes for the first time in more than 20 years. She smiles a flash of fang peaks through and then there is pure chaos as both wolves and vamps attack the party. 

The end for now my readers part two Wife mother incubus  

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