chapter 2(Daddy Issues)

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Noley's house

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Noley's house

Noley hurried to were here father stood forcing herself with each step. he wore yesterdays cloths breath and unwashed body but the stench was over powered by the thing her father loved the most whiskey. it burned her nose to be this close to him. he glared at her red eyes blazing and showing just how much he hated the site of her. what took you so long you little slut he yelled grabbing a hand full of her hair and jerking her to him. Her eyes began to water but she did her best not to shed a tear as her father began to drag her into the house. the  house was more like a shack that some ancestor had built and no decedents took care of it was a run down death trap at least thats what her mother used to call it when she and her father would argue. she always said she would leave but Noley thought that when she left her mother would at least take her.

he pushed Noley onto the couch and stared down at her angerly. you think your so much better than me but your nothing Noley. Your just like your mother her  father said pacing the floor. Noley had heard this speech practically every day since her mother had left them she could almost recite it word for word but it didnt make it hurt any less. she stared down at the floor as he continued. Nothing but a lazy fat whore he screamed in to her face then leaned back to take another swig of whiskey. when i met your momma she couldnt get enough of me, she followed me all around town. my daddy was the mayor of this town i could have had any girl i wanted believe me there were alot of fine choices some finer than your momma girl,but i chose her and people in this town wanted nothing more to  do with me. they'd see me comeing and spit cause i was with a black woman couldnt get work so your momma had to find work on the other side of town. then you were born and she started working later and later no time for me or you. always bringing up Mr.Pelky the rich doctor on the other side of town. no noland im not screwing him she would say when she came home later than normal. she was a liar and a slut and so are you Noley. he threw the empty bottle shattering it on the wall. Noley could no longer hold in the tears . her father approached her a tiny part of her thought that he was going to comfort her, but after his fist conectted with her face she realize things would never get better. blood began to trickle from her mouth. she tried to block the next blow but he fist pounded in to her eye rapidly her head flattened on the couch seat and she found her self slipping away the last thing she remembered is her underwear being removed. 

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