Chapter 19 Peace meet war

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Noley Pov

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Noley Pov

"Hunter what did you do" i asked in shock never taking my eyes off Gage. "He has Yasmine he said if i brought you to him we could trade and if i refused he would kill her" hunter explained with his head hanging low. "So you didn't come to us for help you just betrayed us" i yelled as he whimpered. "Sam Lee is weak you think he could have stopped Gage, cus if you do your an idiot" he said taking hold of my arm his wolf eyes glowed blue. I struggled to stay in the vehicle but Hunter pulled me out with out much hassle. He pushed me to Gage and bowed his head "Alpha please just let my mate go" he pleaded. I looked over at Gage and felt his joy, he was up to something i just hoped it didn't involve me. "I didn't say i would let her go, i said i would let her live she will be given to one of the loyal skulls in my pack" Gage said approaching Hunter leisurely. "Please Alpha we had a deal, i wont let you take her you have your mate now let me have mine" Hunter begged. "I would but there is a tiny problem Hunter  see cousin you have become a liability, you betrayed both your alpha's how could i trust you not to say anything to Sam" he said quirking an eyebrow. by the time the realization that he was not going to leave the clearing alive hit him Hunters head was removed from his neck by one swift claw. power rolled off Gage as he stroked my cheek with the bloody claw. I fought not to cower away but I knew he could smell my fear of him. "Lets go home Luna" he said calmly. he hosted a bloody and bruised Yasmine into the back seat of Hunter truck. The he threw Hunters head and body in the cab of the truck finally he took my hand and ushered me in to the passenger seat. to say i was confused was an understatement Gage had moved his pack one town over. which meant when i escaped i would not have far to run. Yasmine and i were lead to the dungeons of Gage's new home. the second we were alone Yasmine broke down. "He's gone"  she said over and over again and i stroked her hair and murmured words of comfort. a few moments later Gage came back with two large wolves i had never met before. he opened the gate and the larger of the two stepped in the cell and grabbed Yasmine by the hair dragging her from the cell as she tried in vain to not let him take her. she is feisty like you like them Gavin , Gage said chuckling the other guard shut the gate and i was left alone once again. 

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