31. Get it

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"What do you mean you won't get the surgery?" Akemi asks with confusion and concern as he looks at a distraught, raging Jungkook.

"It means what it means..." The mentioned young man sighs.

"And why is that?"

"Because... I'm not feeling it." Jungkook decides to lie.

He won't tolerate the idea of Akemi and his mother offering help although he knows damn well that they will insist if he tells them about the situation. They already did so much for him.

"Jungkook please, reconsider your choice-"

"I won't."

What can he do to get money and get the surgery before his condition worsens? Sell his body? Get a sugar daddy? Win the lottery? Just what should he do to get through that shit like a big boy without burdening other people?

"Do you even realize what you are doing right now? Your life is at stake for God's sake! I'm guessing you have a family who loves you too! Are you seriously giving up on yourself? You were so determined to go to the hospital this morning, what happened to y-"


There is a brief moment of silence before Akemi speaks once again.

"Jungkook... Tell me the truth. Why won't you have the surgery?" He asks calmly. "Is it about money?"

"N-no, it's not." Jungkook avoids the eyes of his interlocutor.

"Of course, I'm such a dummy, I should've realized it sooner. You can barely afford a new phone for now. Let me help y-"

"That's out of the question-"

"I didn't ask for your opinion though. I'm helping and that's final."

"We're helping." The old woman corrects as she enters the room. "We're going back to the hospital to make an appointment with the surgeon. Now."


"Zip it, young boy. I refuse to let you die in such a stupid way. If there is a solution we're gonna take the opportunity to save you."

"But I don't want your help! I though I had to fend for myself and be independent. You said so yourself." Jungkook cries with frustration.

Aiko gently caress his cheeks to wipe his tears then she cups his face.

"Yes, indeed you have to be independent- at least emotionally speaking, but I never said that you had to isolate yourself and shut the world out upon facing hardships. You cannot do everything alone. Let those who love you in, okay pumpkin?" She says while giving a delicate, gentle tap on his nose.

"You love me?" Jungkook asks with teary eyes full of uncertainty.

"Of course, I love each and every human being on this planet. But you, young boy, your goodness touched my core." She smiles brightly.

"Now let's go and I want you to kick that cancer's butt." Akemi chirps as he holds hands with Jungkook.














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