Chapter 5

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Abhi kept looking at Sahana while she keeps looking elsewhere, did he hear everything.. please don't ask any questions. Abhi looks away and clears his throat "Umm Dev has completed his dinner.. you can put him to sleep in sometime". Sahana nods and takes Dev into her arms "Thank you Abhishek.. I.. I..", Abhi looks at her "It's okay Sahana.. there is something that is bothering you.. if you want you can share it.. else too it's okay.. I'm not going to ask you any questions..".

Sahana smiles a little "Thanks for understanding.. it's a senstive topic for me and everyone think I'm okay to talk about.. sometimes I just want to be left to myself with my thoughts". Abhi nods "Sahana sharing about your problems and thoughts makes you feel lighter.. and share it with a person you feel comfortable with.. keeping your thoughts in would make you feel restless and frustrated from within..

And yes sometimes we like to be left with our thoughts.. everyone feels that way at some point of time.. so perfectly alright.. but if you ever feel like you pour it all out talk to someone you trust and are comfortable with..". She smiles a little and nods looking at him "Sure.. thanks doctor", he too smiles at her "Well then I'll get going.. I'll be back tomorrow to spend time with this cutie..". He waves to Dev smiling "Bye little champ", he looks at Sahana "Bye Sahana". She smiles and bids him goodbye, he leaves from there while she takes Dev back to the room.

Dev yawns as soon as she takes him back to the room, she coos him sleep making him lie in her chest "My baby I'll not let anyone take you away from me.. I promise you Devu.. you don't need to know about your dad just yet.. I'll let you know when you are older.. when you are able to understand.. till then I will have to hide about your dad from you my baby..".

Dev drifts into sleep in sometime while Sahana's thoughts go back to the day's events. The morning when Abhi had come in and how he had made her laugh carefree for the first time in months. Everytime it would be a fake smile she would put up to show people that she is fine but Abhi had genuinely made her laugh and smile after a long time.

Seeing her Dev smile, giggle and play with Abhi she was happy. This was quickest he got used to someone and wanted to be with them. It was surprising for her as well as those around her that how quickly Devansh came to like Abhi's company. She smiles, maybe he will be a good father one day.. when he has kids.. he would also be a good companion I'm sure.. I hope he gets someone who is just like him.

Her thoughts then go back to the happenings of the evening when she received a call from her dad.

Flashback begins..

Sahana was sitting with Bhavani to give her company while Dev was sitting and playing with his toys. Dev was about to climb on Bhavani calling her "Ni.. Ni..", Sahana pulls him away "Baby no.. you cannot climb on her leg..". Bhavani smiles and takes her into her arms "Come here little one..", he tries to pulls her chain "Bha.. Ni", she smiles and pulls his cheeks lightly "No baby.. that is special..". He giggles looking at her, she holds his little hands and leaves a soft kiss on his palm "And you know you are getting a little brother or sister to play with".

Sahana smiles looking at them just then her phone rings, she looks at her phone and sighs seeing her dad calling her. She moves out of the room and picks the call "Yes Paa", "Sahana come home right now.. Vishwesh has sent another court notice". She was not surprised that he had sent her another notice just when he had already lost the case once.

She left for her house leaving Dev at the home, once she entered inside the house her mom just ignored her while her father fumed looking at her. She looks at her dad "I'm sorry Paa.. he sent it here.. sorry for the disturbance", she hears her mom from the kitchen "Didn't we tell her not to get married to him.. did she ever listen.. she never wanted to.. and now also she isn't listening.. tell her to get married".

She turns towards her mom "Amma I cannot.. you know Devansh is still an infant.. and it's just been a year and 4 months.. I'm not ready.. and all the guys you bring up don't want to take up my baby's responsibility.. how can I get married to any of them". Her mom again shouts back from the kitchen "Can't she see what your choice did.. can't she give his child back to him and start her life again.. why can't she understand what everyone speaks of her and our family".

She sighs "Paa please don't start this now.. I cannot.. nor do I have the energy to.. please.. I know my choice was wrong Amma.. I did a mistake.. yes.. I admit it.. I promise I will marry the guy of your choice.. just give me sometime.. and please let the guys you choose know that I already have a son and ask them to meet me only if they are ready to take up the responsibility of my son also". Her father looks at her "Why would anyone want to take care of someone not of their own flesh and blood".

She looks at her father shocked "Paa he is my flesh and blood.. he is a part of me.. if someone is ready to accept all of me.. then tell him to come and meet me.. else don't bother.. and sorry for the disturbance.. I promise you no one would bother you now on". She takes the notice from her father and leaves from there. Her eyes were brimming with tears but she didn't want to show them in front of her parents, she didn't want to show she is weak in front of anyone especially her parents.

She goes to a garden nearby where she used to play while she was a kid. She sits in the chair seeing the little kids smiling and playing around, her eyes flow thinking about her parents words. She tries wiping her tears but they keep flowing out, How can they say that.. I know I made a mistake in choosing my partner but that doesn't mean they can hate my baby.. he is mine.. my flesh and blood.. I gave birth to him..

I thought they would be there support me all time but maybe I was wrong.. but I guess I didn't realise that they can't look past my mistake.. I'll be grateful to them for not saying any of this while I was pregnant.. atleast they let me be in peace while I was pregnant.. Maybe if I marry the one they say I'll get my Amma and Appa back.. but they also need to understand that I need time and that I will not let anyone else have my Dev..

She sits in park for sometime seeing the kids playing around with their parents, I wish Devu I could give this to you.. playing with your mom and dad but your dad wants you only to satisfy his ego.. and I'll never let you face all that.. and I know a lot of people talk a lot of things.. but I promise to protect you from all that. She wipes her tears and leaves back to the home. Strangely that place was filled with strangers to her 6 months back yet that felt more like home than her own house where her family resided.

There was one person who supported her in that house, it was her younger brother who was now away studying. He was away in Michigan doing his higher studies, though he was away he was in constant touch with Sahana motivating her in all the ways possible and cheering her up whenever she feels down. She missed him a lot when such situations arise as he would always be there by her side supporting her in front of their parents.

She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise she had reached the home. She got down from her cab and was about to step inside when she got a call from the person she didn't want to deal with right now. Even though she didn't want to deal with him right now she wanted to give a piece of her mind so she attended the call and spoke whatever she wanted to and disconnected the call and switched off her phone. That's when she had turned and saw Abhi holding Dev in his arms.

Flashback ends..

She was about to change and lie down to sleep when there was a knock on her door. She opens the door and sees Ganesh standing outside the door, Ganesh is also one of the boys who stays at Lakshmi Home. He was holding a plate in his hand, he looks at her "Akka what is this.. skipping dinner is not good.. come on eat..". She looks at him "I don't feel hungry Ganesh..", he pouts looking at her and enters inside the room and sits down on the couch "I'm not leaving from here until you complete this food".

She smiles looking at him and sits next to him "You know something.. you remind me of my little brother Hriday.. he would also do this.. whenever I try to skip a meal he will sit there with me and feed me till I complete it". Ganesh smiles "Am I not your brother", she smiles looking at him and ruffles his hair "You are", he smiles and takes a morsel "Then let me feed you today". She smiles as her eyes well up with tears when Ganesh feeds her the dinner.

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