Chapter 9

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Sahana bumps into a woman, Abhi looks at Sahana and holds her by her shoulder "Careful Sahana.. are you fine..", she nods, then he looks at the woman "Aunty are you okay". She nods and keeps looking at Sahana "What are you doing here.. who is this man Sahana", Abhi looks at Sahana and the woman confused, Sahana looks at her "Maa it's Dev's 1st birthday.. I came for shopping.. and this is Dr.Abhishek.. he is my friend".

Her mom looks at her "Really Sahana.. I keep telling you to get married but you are here roaming around with this man". Sahana looks elsewhere embarassed "Maa it's not what you think.. we are just friends.. please don't do this here..", Her mom rolls her eyes "Sahana don't lie.. you promised you would get married to the man of our choice.. stop roaming around with men.. then people will make more talks than they already are doing".

Abhi looks at Sahana's mom "Aunty I think you are getting everything wrong.. we are just friends.. I assure you", her mom looks at Abhi "Yeah that's what she said about Vishwesh.. a year before they got married..". Sahana looks down as her eyes well up with tears, she tries to control them, Abhi looks at her and his heart stings seeing her eyes glistening "Aunty please.. whatever happened in the past was the past.. why don't you let her live her life as she wants..

And please aunty this is a mall and I don't like anyone humiliating my friend like this.. especially in public.. and whatever you are saying it's wrong.. it's her life.. nobody gets a say in it except her even if you are her own mother.. people will talk behind a person's back always but it's the family that doesn't judge.. and you are her family so instead of judging her and taunting her you should support her.. and whatever you want to talk please come and talk in the home or at your house..".

He turns towards Sahana and holds her hand "Let's go Sahana.. we have a lot to purchase for Dev". She keeps looking at Abhi as he takes her along with him, nobody had stood up for her against her parents except her little brother. Here, Abhi didn't even know the complete truth still he supported her, she was really surprised and her heart was filled with a warm feeling at his gesture. She could fight against anyone for her family but fighting against her own family was something where she would go weak at most of the times.

Abhi stops near the lift, they get into the lift, Sahana looks at him surprised as he clicks the basement button which would lead them to the parking "Abhi.. we need to buy..", he just keeps looking ahead and cuts her off "We can buy somewhere else.. there are a lot of places.. this is not the only place..". They get into the car, he lets Sahana sit down in the passanger seat and he lets out a deep breath and gets into the driver's seat.

He turns towards Sahana "I'm sorry if you felt bad for the way I spoke with your mom.. but I'm not sorry for what I said to her.. she was wrong to talk about you like that..". She looks at Abhi as her tears that welled up hearing her mother's words flows down her cheeks. Abhi holds her cheeks and wipes her tears "Sahana.. what is this.. don't cry.. It's okay.. Dev will see his crying Mumma and start crying.. crying Dev can bring a tsunami.. Do you want a crying Dev..".

She shakes her head and smiles a little "No", he smiles looking at her smile "Then Don't cry.. it's okay if they don't understand you.. not everyone understands us or our choices.. so it's okay.. even if it's your mom.. one day they will understand..". She nods looking at him, he keeps looking at her still holding her cheeks, his eyes boring into hers.

She calls his name "Abhi", he realises he is staring at her and still holding her cheeks. He removes his hands from her cheeks and looks away, he starts driving looking ahead, what happens to you Abhi.. you mad man.. why do you get stuck on her.. she will slap you.. you mad man.. bang your head on the wall.. you need to stop staring at her like that..

They arrive at another mall, they go inside a shop filled with decoration items. Dev had woken up by then, he was excited seeing all the sparkling, colourful and twinkling stuff. Abhi smiles looking at Dev's excitement, Sahana was busy choosing the decoration items while Abhi and Dev were playing with the tinsel. Abhi makes a moustache for Dev with the tinsel, Dev keeps giggling and smiling as the tinsel tickles him.

Sahana looks at them two playing with each other, if these two are so close no wonder anyone would think of us as a family.. but sadly that's not the truth.. Dev has gotten so attached to Abhi.. I don't know what will happen if Abhi doesn't visit him or when he is taken away from Abhi.. what if Abhi's future wife doesn't let him meet Dev.. I don't want my Devu to get hurt.. or him to yearn for someone..

She shakes away her thoughts and goes near them "Hello boys.. shopping is done let's go..". Abhi and Dev were all wrapped up tinsel, Sahana laughs looking at them "Boys.. boys.. what is this..". Abhi tries to remove the tinsel from around him and Dev but they get all the more wrapped up in them. Sahana keeps laughing looking at them and clicks their pictures in her phone, Abhi glares at her "Instead of clicking pictures you can come and help us you know".

Sahana chuckles and puts away her phone and goes to help them she first untangles the tinsel from Dev. She makes Dev sit on a chair and moves towards Abhi who was trying to untangle himself. She moves close to him as she tries to untangle it, she removes most of it from over him. A little bit of it was around his neck, she steps closer to him as she removes it.

Abhi's heart again does a somersaults as she stands close to him, he keeps looking at her while her concentration was completely on untangling the tinsel. His eyes keep scanning her face trying to memorise and etch every feature of her face on his mind. Her big button like golden brown eyes shining brightly under the lights, her thick eyebrows scrunched up in concentration, her small button like nose, her chubby pink cheeks and her baby pink thick plumpy lips were all getting etched in his brain.

She steps away from him once she removes all the tinsel, she smiles looking at him unaware of his unwavering gaze on her "Done.. I'm not letting you anywhere near the tinsel while decorating". He comes out of the trance hearing her, he gulps down his saliva, mad man.. mad man you are.. stop going mad Abhi.. what are you even thinking.. you were checking her out.. are you even serious..

She considers you a friend.. stop being a perv.. you can't do this you idiot.. she will kill you if she comes to know.. and you stupid heart stop doing somersaults.. else I will tie you upside down.. Can you do that to your heart🤔.. oh shut up I don't need logic right now. Abhi was lost in his thoughts while Sahana keeps calling him, when he doesn't answer she moves close to him and shakes him a little "Abhi.. Abhi.. where are you lost".

He comes out of his thoughts and looks at her "Umm sorry.. you were saying something Sahana?". She looks at him "I was saying let's go.. it's getting late", he nods "yes yes let's go.. else I will go mad", he whispers the last part to himself. They leave from the mall and soon reach the home, Abhi helps her to unload everything and place it in her room.

After unloading everything, Abhi looks towards Sahana "I'll leave now Sahana.. I promised Mumma a dinner date..", Sahana smiles looking at him "Okay.. have fun". He smiles and moves towards Dev "Bye baby.. see you tomorrow", he looks at Abhi and his eyes starts watering seeing him leave "Avi.. no". Abhi lifts him up in his arms "Aww baby.. don't cry..", he leaves a soft kiss on Dev's cheek "You are with your Mumma.. my Mumma is waiting for me baby".

He wipes Dev's pearl like tears which flows down his cheeks "No baby.. I'll come back tomorrow okay.. no crying.. see you have Mumma to play with". Sahana caresses Dev's hair "It's okay baby.. he needs to go baby.. come to Mumma..", Dev move into Sahana's arms rubbing his eyes. Sahana looks at Abhi "It's okay.. he is tired.. we have been shopping since morning.. he will be fine once I feed him and put him to sleep.. you go Abhi".

He nods and caresses Dev's hair and kisses his forehead and whispers "Bye baby", he turns to leave when Sahana calls him again "Abhi". He looks at her "Yes Sahana", she looks at him "Thank you.. for what you did in front of my mom.. no one has done that except my little brother.. So thank you.. you supported me even if you don't know what happened", he smiles "You are my friend Sahana.. and I don't tolerate anyone insulting my friends". She smiles and nods, he bid her goodbye and leaves from there.

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