Chapter 71

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Sahana's POV

Rain and him❤️

I wanted to dance in the rain with him atleast once..

Well I just asked for a small crazy dance to the upbeat song that was playing but I didn't know it would end up turning into a beautiful moment between us❤️

A moment which led to our union in a way..

The moment his lips brushed against mine I felt like someone lit up my soul and brought it back to life..

How can a person make you feel so much with just one touch..

It's Abhi❤️.. the man I desire❤️

The man I want to spend the rest of my life with..

The man with whom I want to have more kids with..

The man who I need in my life..

And right now he is here with me.. the distance between us completely absent..

He kept on sucking my lips..

My heart was ready to jump out of my chest any minute..

The man who had become the only one I could think of day and night is kissing me..

I couldn't believe if this is real or my dream..

It feels like a dream.. a dream from which I don't want to wake up ever..

I could stay with him.. in his arms like this forever..

But we need oxygen to breathe..

That cannot be forgotten right..

We pulled apart due to need of oxygen..

I couldn't get myself to look at him..

My heart was running at a rate I didn't know humanly possible..

I want to run away from here..

Gosh!! How am I going to even look at him without blushing or turning red

I cannot open my eyes..

His one hand cupped my cheek and brushed on it so delicately and lovingly..

I opened my eyes and our eyes met for a moment after which I couldn't look at him feeling shy..

I kept looking elsewhere..

He kept asking me to look at him..

The way he calls me 'Sweetheart' makes my whole body tingle..

I looked up at him still feeling shy..

He held my face and bent down to my height..

I thought he was about to kiss me again..

But he bent down to kiss my forehead..

I felt so much love and devotion in that one kiss..

That one kiss screamed to me that I'm yours Sahana.. only yours.. No one else could come between us..

I wanted to scream and tell him those words that he has already told me..

I love you Abhi..

I love you so much..

Suddenly a thunder struck making us jump apart..

Abhi's POV

As soon as the thunder struck we both jumped apart..

She again kept looking elsewhere blushing while I was still in my own world with her..

She looked even more beautiful now.. there was a beautiful glow on her face.. her cheeks were completely red from blushing and her lips lightly swollen from our kiss..

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