Chapter 13

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Abhi looked towards Sahana as she had told him that she trusts him, his heart bubbles with a tingling feeling at her words. Sahana keeps looking towards the sky "I was 20 years old Abhi.. I was doing electronics and instrumentation engineering.. I was in my third year.. when I saw Vishwesh for the first time.. he was a research scholar that had joined our department.. he was working with one of our senior staff on an automation project..

I wasn't the shy type ever.. I would talk to everyone and anyone.. Back then I just didn't know when to shut up.. On his first day he bumped into me as I was walking to my class.. our college was huge.. definitely a person would get lost if its the first time and they are coming in without anyone to guide them.."

Flashback begins..

6.5 years ago..

Sahana's POV

It was a breezy morning and the sun was shining bright but here I was late to college not that I was bothered but..

"Saha come fast.. the bus was already late.. it's 8.30 a.m girl.. and our class starts by 8.00 a.m.."

I rolled my eyes at her "Come on Hari.. when they build a college in the middle of nowhere this is bound to happen.. you obviously get caught in traffic when you have to travel to the outskirts of the city for college"

She just continued walking faster pulling me along.

I didn't understand what was her hurry.. It was DSP lecture for God sake!! And I would rather be happy to skip it than attend it!!

No wonder people call it Degree Stopping paper instead of its original name Digital signal processing

And our lecturer.. she makes me sleep rather than energized enough to attend the class.. On top of that she keeps talking about some FFT, DIT and calls it butterfly method..

Butterflies are beautiful.. FFT isn't.. drawing some diagonal lines making them crossover does not make a butterfly.. have they seen a butterfly is my question..

We both were about to enter inside our department block when I heard someone calling us from behind "Excuse me"

I turned around, A man was standing there huffing as if he had ran a mile.. well walking till our block from the entrance is like walking a mile..

"Can you let me know where is the electronics block"

"You are standing right in front of it"

He seemed relived and thanked us, we both were about to walk inside but he again called us "One more help please"

"Can you tell me where is Kanika Mam's cabin"

"She would be eating our classmates heads in the class.. come with us"

Harika smacked my arm while he chuckled a little at my words. His eyes twitched a little as he smiled at me and that one smile made my whole failure of a morning better.

We went up to the 6th floor where our class was situated, as I said she was eating their head and none of them looked interested in the FFT, DFT or DTFT she was talking about.. everything seemed to be floating above everyone's head.

Harika asked Kanika Mam's permission to enter the class, she let us in once we told her that it's the college bus that got late.

She spoke something to the guy and sent him off while I was left wondering who he is..

He definitely didn't look like a lateral entry student that too when we were about to complete the odd semester.. nope not possible.. and he definitely looked older than a second year student..

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