Chapter 35

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A few days had passed since Vishwesh had started visiting Devansh, Dev was slowly getting adjusted to Vishwesh and he had started going to Vishwesh instead being like the first day when he had turned away from him completely. Sahana was feeding Dev his dinner while he was running and crawling around in the garden and playing with his little scooty. Abhi was watching them from afar standing with Ganesh while Sahana and Vishwesh were with Dev.

Ganesh looks at Abhi who was looking at Sahana and Dev with a small smile on his lips "Don't you feel anything for Sahana Akka". Abhi was startled with Ganesh's sudden question, he looks elsewhere "No.. I don't feel anything for her". Ganesh looks at him with a smile "Seriously!?.. then why do your eyes have a different expression.. why are they longing to be there with both of them".

Abhi looks away from Sahana and Dev "Sahana and Dev are special for me.. maybe I do feel something for her.. but will she ever be able to accept what I feel for her.. I don't think so.. that man may have betrayed her.. may not respect her but the truth still remains that he is Dev's father atleast biologically.. even if she says that she hates him.. there is a part of her which is still attached to him emotionally..

He is afterall her first love.. and it's not easy to forget that love.. they were even tied in the sacred bond of marriage.. after all this she has to move on from him.. it definitely won't be easy.. and she isn't ready for it either.. As much as I want her to move on from him.. I want her to heal herself also.. her wounds are deeper than just the betrayal she got from him.. she had sacrificed everything she loved for him but he disrespected her.. he disrespected the baby growing inside her.. and also her sacrifice..

That was just one of her wound.. her parents too gave her a lot of wounds from which she has not yet recovered.. how do you expect her to recover when she keeps getting new ones from them every time she visits them.. I don't know what will be her future.. with whom will be her future.. but I just want it to be a happy one.. Our bond is probably special.. I call her my friend yet I feel a burning sensation in my heart when I see her with someone else..

This unnamed Bond between us.. by us I mean Dev, me and Sahana.. not just me and Sahana.. let it be like that.. I don't want give any name to this.. it's beautiful just the way it is❤️.. what the future holds let the future decide.. all I know that now they both have become an integral part of my life that I cannot live without.. neither do I want to.. I would rather be in their lives like this than not be in their lives at all.. I'm glad Aadhira sent me here"

Ganesh looks at him surprised "You know what.. I'm also glad that Aadhu Akka sent you here.. I'm happy that Sahana Akka has you by her side always supporting her.. your bond with them may be unnamed or unknown.. but this is more than a family's bond.. I wish you three always stay together.. Dev deserves a father like you.. Sahana Akka deserves a partner like you Abhi.."

Abhi smiles a little looking elsewhere "Father.. Partner.. well Ganesh.. these are rather huge titles.. I don't know if I will ever be able to bear these titles.. I already consider Dev my son.. but that doesn't mean Sahana has to marry me.. I haven't thought of her that way nor will she accept me.. she deserves to fall in love again.. with someone who makes her happy.. and that should definitely not be someone whose relatives taunt as incapable!!"

Ganesh was about to say something when they hear a crying sound, they both rush towards Dev. He had fallen down from his little bike and hit his leg on a rock when Sahana had gone to put his plate back in the kitchen leaving him under Vishwesh's care. Vishwesh was trying to calm him down but Dev's cries were only getting louder "Dev don't cry.. boys don't cry.. it's okay if you get hurt.. shhh". Abhi tries to calm Dev by making funny faces but he keeps crying, soon Sahana also joins them hearing Dev's loud crying.

Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora