13| She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

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During Mr. Feeny's class, Shawn, Cory and Zoey were sitting on top of their desks. Zoey sat beside Shawn as they were talking to each other about the weekend, but stopped when they noticed Topanga approaching Minkus and began talking to him.

Zoey gave her a weird look as Topanga returned to her seat, while Minkus leaned on his left hand and gazed into space.

"Is it just me or is love blooming among the nerd set?" Cory wondered.

"I don't know." Shawn said as the three of them continued to look at Minkus. "The only time I've ever seen a look like that was just before Bambi's mother caught that bullet."

"Really Shawn?" Zoey asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"What a movie they'd make." Cory stated, glancing between Minkus and Topanga. "It's Minkus in love. Watch what happens... when forty-eight pounds of near-sighted geek meets ten pounds of hair from a parallel universe."

Shawn, Cory and Zoey all looked at each other, smiling.

"Ha!" The three shouted. Zoey then noticed Topanga getting out of her seat and approached Cory.

"I think people who judge other people by their outward appearances are shallow and ignorant... and will have much to answer for in their next life." Topanga told Cory, sternly.

"Well that may be the way it works on Remulak... but here on Earth - you're a nerd, you pay." Cory simply responded.

The bell rung. Zoey got off Shawn's desk and sat in her own just before Mr. Feeny entered the class room.

"Good morning, class. I trust you all you had a good weekend." Mr. Feeny said as he approached his desk.

"I sure did." Cory said. "My mum baked brownies and my dad rented two monster movie videos."

"I sold blood." Shawn simply said.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

Shawn nodded. "I did."

"This morning we have a guest lecturer." Mr. Feeny informed the class, as he sat down at his desk. "The school board feels that since you're all starting the seventh grade next year... it would behoove you to have an advanced taste of the experience."

A knock was then heard at the door. Everyone turned their heads to see Cory's older brother standing in the entrance of the classroom.

"Eric?" Cory asked, confused.

Eric narrowed his eyes when he saw his little brother. "Cory!"

"Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Feeny asked, surprised.

"Mr. Feeny?" Eric questioned, before walking up to front of the class.

"I thought the school said they were sending over good students." Mr. Feeny told Eric.

"Nah." Eric said, shaking his head. "You see the problem is the smart kids... they all have goals to pursue. I'm just looking to get out of Algebra."

"Lucky me." Mr. Feeny stated sarcastically. "Proceed."

Eric turned to the class. "Hi kids, I'm Eric. I'm in the tenth grade at Adams High the school you'll all be going to next year."

"At least all of us who pass." Minkus commented.

"Hey, Minkus, pass this." Shawn said, before he made a fart noise with his pits. Zoey couldn't help but laugh at the joke.

"Please, class, give Mr. Matthews your attention." Mr. Feeny told the class.

"Matthews?" Topanga asked, her eyes widen slightly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Cory's older brother. I got the good hair." Eric responded, before he turned back to the class. "Anyway, next year you guys will be seventh graders... or, as we upper classmen will be calling you... phlegmballs. Now, there's gonna be a few things... you're gonna need to know for survival on the mean streets of high school."

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