27| The Uninvited

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During later in the day, when it was the weekend, Shawn and Zoey were over to Cory's place to play some basketball. Zoey told the boys that she was confident enough to beat them so they put it up to the test.

Cory held the basketball as the three walked through the living room and into the kitchen to see Mrs. Matthews standing at the kitchen counter and Mr. Matthews sitting at the table.

"Dudes and girl! Where are you guys off to?" Mr. Matthews wondered.

"We're gonna shoot some hoops." Cory said.

"You want some actual competition?" Mr. Matthews challenged.

Cory nodded. "Yeah. Who do you know?"

Mr. Matthews got up from the chair. "Can you be funny like that with basketball stuck in your mouth?"

Zoey smirked. "Ooh, I'd like to see that."

Shawn, Cory and Zoey walked out of the kitchen and into the backyard where they played basketball. They waited for Mr. Matthews, but he did join them, so they placed one v one.


When they were back at school, Zoey had history with Mr. Feeny. Zoey had slumped against her chair as she wrote down notes while Mr. Feeny was talking about their topic. As she writing down notes, Zoey noticed everyone passing notes to each other.

"Thus, the transcontinental railroad spelled the end of the Pony Express. Mail service was faster, more reliable. Letters no longer had to be passed from hand to hand." Mr. Feeny said as he took a note from Cory, who was passing it Shawn.

"Busted." Zoey muttered under hear breath, earning a smirk from Shawn.

Mr. Feeny made his way to the front of the class, collecting other notes. "These just in..." He trailed off, opening some notes. "Miss Wilder wants to know what Miss Harrington thinks she would wear to her party." He opened another note. "Miss Harrington wants to know what makes Miss Wilder think she's even invited. Ooh."

"I'm not invited?"

Melissa raised her eyebrows. "We'll just see, okay?"

Mr. Feeny walked around the classroom as he opened Cory's note. "Mr. Matthews wanted to know 'is this going to be a make-up party'?"

Melissa smiled as she turned around to Cory. "Sure, Cory. You can borrow my lip gloss."

"'Out'! Not 'up'!" Cory whispered to Mr. Feeny. "A make-out party."

"Ah, so it is." Mr. Feeny said, looking down at the note. "Mr. Matthews wants to know is this going to be a make-out party."

Zoey chuckled. "Not for him."


After history Shawn, Cory and Zoey walked through the halls of the school. Zoey slugged her backpack strap over her shoulder as they made their ways into the halls.

"I blew it, guys." Cory stated. "There's no way Melissa's gonna invite me to her party now."

Shawn shrugged his shoulders. "So Feeny cut you off at the knees. People will forget. You'll get invited to the next party."

The three of them walked over to the bench. Shawn and Zoey sat down, slumping their bags to the side while Cory stood.

"You think?" Cory asked.

Zoey nodded her head. "Yeah. This is high school - too much going on to remember anything."

Zoey and Shawn stood up and stood beside each other when Harley, Frankie and Joey made their way over to Cory.

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