54| The Last Temptation of Cory

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During school, Shawn was talking to Zoey over the phone. Zoey was sick and couldn't make it to school, which made Shawn miss her even more.

Topanga was also sick, which caused Cory to miss her as well.

"Zoey, how could you be sick? I mean, you said you'd never catch a cold as long as you were taking that trout fluid." Shawn said.

"It's fish oil." Zoey corrected him. "And I'll be fine. Just take good notes for me and I'll be back in school Monday."

"I miss you so much and I'll call you after next period, Zo." Shawn said, hanging up the phone. Everyone around them 'awed'. "Oh, drop dead. We're in love."

"Not us." Cory said, motioning Shawn and himself. He then turned to Shawn. "Do that again and I will hurt you. But I'm not embarrassed. I mean, Topanga and I are serious like you and Zoey. We do everything together."

"Hi, Cory." Libby Harper greeted as she approached him. "Love that shirt."

"Hey, thanks. Underneath it I'm half-naked." Cory joked. Libby chuckled and walked away.

"You and Topanga do everything together, huh? Even flirt with Libby Harper?" Shawn wondered.

"Flirt? I was just being friendly. And besides, girls like Libby Harper don't flirt with me." Cory responded.

"That was before. Now you have 'the scent'." Shawn said.

"Well, what exactly is 'the scent'?" Cory asked.

"I'll tell you about 'the scent'." Shawn said.

"All right, stop." Cory said, pushing Shawn's hands down from making the quotation marks at 'the scent'.

"It means women want you." Shawn told him.

"Why?" Cory asked.

"Because they can't have you." Shawn replied. "You're with Topanga, they think you're unavailable, virgo, they want you. Zoey and I go through every day. Both men and women."

"You're batty." Cory stated. "So one girl may have flirted with me. You're making it sound like all girls... I don't know, Missy Robinson, are gonna come over and suddenly make small talk."

"Cory?" Missy Robinson called as she walked up to him.

"Yes, Missy?" Cory asked.

"Did you know the sun sets today at 6:52?" Missy wondered.

"I did not know that." Cory replied. He turned to look at Shawn. "Shawn..."


In Mr. Feeny's class, Shawn sat down at his normal desk but frowned slightly when he noticed a pretty brunette girl sitting in Zoey's spot. He then spotted Missy Robinson sitting in Topanga's seat.

"And then the paper bear said, 'Missy's taking Topanga's seat'." Shawn whispered, leaning forward. "Hold onto your porridge, Cor."

Cory shushed him. "I'm trying to listen to what Feeny's saying.

"All right. Mr. Matthews, what was I saying?" Mr. Feeny asked from his spot on his desk, holding a history text book.

"I-I-I was too busy absorbing to listen." Cory answered.

Mr. Feeny sarcastically smiled. "Very good. Mr. Hunter?"

"Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal." Shawn answered.

Mr. Feeny quickly placed a hand over his heart. "Dear Lord, he's right."

"It's been my answer for two years, Mr. Feeny. Sooner or later, it had to pay off." Shawn said.

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