87| Security Guy

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Zoey was sitting on the arm of the chair in the Matthews' living room as Shawn sat in the main part of the seat with an arm around her waist. Cory and Topanga occupied the couch and had SAT prep material spread out on the table in front of them.

Shawn leaned over and handed Cory a piece of paper.

"It's a list of colleges." Cory said.

Shawn nodded. "Yes, this is where I want the three of you to go. Even if I'm not going to school, the four of us should still be together."

"Okay, University of Italy." Cory read from the list. "Good old U of It."

"Yeah. You guys hit the books, you're studying hard. Meanwhile, I'm out in the sun taking tourists around in my big canoe." Shawn said with a smile.

"Shawnie... it's called a gondola." Zoey corrected, running her fingers through his hair.

"And that's why you're going to college." Shawn replied, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

Shawn then stood up from the armchair and made his way to the front door.

"Wait, Shawn." Cory called out to his best friend. "You've worked too long to throw it all away now, okay, buddy? Why don't you take the SATs? I bet you'll do really well."

"Fine, fine." Shawn replied, sitting back down in the chair. "I'll take your little test. What's ten minutes of my life, right?"

Topanga narrowed her eyes. "Ten minutes? Shawn, they take at least-"

Zoey quickly hushed her and looked down at her boyfriend. "Shawn, listen. You know, I bet if you take Feeny's review course, I bet you could knock them out in five."

"No. Too much school, too much Feeny." Shawn responded. He got up and walked to the door. "Bye-bye. I'm going canoe shopping."

Once he was gone, Zoey scooped up her books and chucked them in her backpack before zipping it up and throwing it over her shoulders.

"Don't worry about Shawn, I'll come up with something." Zoey assured before she walked out of the Matthews' house.


Zoey had figured out a plan. At school the next day, she instantly told Cory and Topanga, and they were on board. Zoey sat next to Topanga while Cory faced them on the bench, holding the SAT book open. Zoey kept glancing over at the stairs, waiting for Shawn.

A second later, Shawn rounded the corner.

"Okay, here he comes." Zoey informed.

"Okay, Cory, give us another one of those tough SAT questions." Topanga said, her voice slightly rising.

"Make sure it's super hard, Cor." Zoey added, glancing at Shawn who was obviously listening in.

"Okay, guys. Here's a doozie. Kept me up most of the night." Cory replied, looking through the SAT book. "Which of these ingredients does not make mud: dirt, water, or turkey?"

"Turkey." Shawn answered as he stood in front of them.

"Correct!" Cory exclaimed.

Zoey stood up from the bench and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "You're a genius, Shawnie!"

"Wow, Shawnie, I didn't even know that one." Topanga added.

Shawn smiled happily. "That came from Feeny's prep course?"

"Well, it was only one of the tougher ones." Cory said, raising the book up.

Mr. Feeny, having overheard their conversation, approached them. "Let me see that book."

Cory immediately stood and pointed to a random spot on the page. "Uh, see, Mr. Feeny? right-right after this question. Which is sweet: sugar or salt?"

"Sugar." Shawn replied quickly.

"Wow, two in a row." Zoey remarked as she stood up from the bench.

"Where are my glasses?" Mr. Feeny asked, patting his coat.

"Uh, see, what we're doing, Mr. Feeny, is we're just trying to show Shawn that, uh, through your review course, a student builds a certain level of confidence through a series of not-quite questions." Cory explained.

"It's really this basic?" Shawn asked in disbelief.

"Shawn, I don't want anyone misleading you. My prep course involves a lot of hard work." Mr. Feeny replied.

"Oh, then I don't want to do it." Shawn responded simply.

"But it's fun." Cory told him.

"Tell him, Mr. Feeny. Tell Shawn about the carnival-like atmosphere of your prep course so that Shawn will join us." Zoey insisted.

Mr. Feeny shook his head. "No."

"Come on, Mr. Feeny. I mean, if Shawn doesn't get into college, he starts washing windows, playing the lotto. Then he loses his teeth, becomes a ward of the state, and moves in with you." Cory said quietly.

"Well...." Mr. Feeny trailed off. "If I tell him about, uh.... cake... Well, then everyone will want to take the class."

"Cake?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, cake. Delicious cake, actually from the, uh, Westchester bakery." Mr. Feeny explained. "It's where we get the cakes. It's... uh... where we get them."

"Really? What else?" Shawn wondered.

"What, cake's not enough?" Mr. Feeny questioned. He then sighed. "And then we have a, uh... talent shows some nights."

"This is amazing!" Shawn exclaimed happily. "Zo, why didn't you tell me any of this?"

"Uh, Mr. Hunter, in between the hoopla, there will be learning going on." Mr. Feeny reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cake, right?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, cake." Mr. Feeny agreed reluctantly.

Shawn had a wide grin plastered across his face as he turned and went straight to library to study.

"Thanks a lot, Mr. Feeny. You did the right thing." Zoey said gratefully.

"I suppose. I mean, after all, what good is it if you can't get the butts in the seats?" Mr. Feeny wondered.


After taking the SATs, Cory, Zoey, Shawn, and Topanga stood outside Mr. Feeny's house and knocked on the door.

Mr. Feeny opened the door and looked at them in confusion. "What in heaven's name....?"

"Mr. Feeny, we've got a few issues with you." Cory told him.

"Yeah!" Shawn said enthusiastically.

"We just came from taking our SATs." Topanga informed.

"Yeah!" Shawn yelled.

"How did you do?" Mr. Feeny asked.

"Yeah!" Shawn shouted.

"That's enough, Shawnie. I think he gets the point." Zoey told him. She then turned her attention to their teacher. "That's why we're here, sir."

"I mean, for more years than I care to remember, you have driven us nuts filling our heads with dates and ideas and numbers and concepts." Cory said.

"Yeah, and with the last three weeks with that course of yours, drilling us, pushing us to the edge." Topanga added.

"Yeah, and making me eat cake!" Shawn exclaimed, patting his stomach. "Five pounds right here, baby."

Cory sighed. "And now that it's all over and we've taken the test, we had to come here and tell you to your face."

"Thank you, Mr. Feeny." Zoey said gratefully with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks a lot." Shawn said.

"We finally understand why you pushed us so hard." Cory told him.

Topanga smiled. "We're really glad you did."

PUBLISHED: August 19, 2018
WORDS: 1150

It's My Life • Shawn HunterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora