145| Pickett Fences

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After a long day, Shawn and Zoey decided to have a dinner alone.

Shawn prepared the meals, placing them on the island as Zoey appeared out into the main area of the apartment, walking down the stares with an irritated expression.

"So, honey, how was your day?" Shawn asked.

"Oh, just great, dear." Zoey replied sarcastically.

"Are the kids tucked in?" He wondered.

"All tucked in." She confirmed.

Shawn walked over to his fiancée and placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Mummy and Daddy can have some together time."

"Well, when was the last time we had a moment alone?" Zoey wondered as they walked over to the island and sat down, beginning to eat their dinner.

"Certainly before the kids came." Shawn answered.

"Yeah. Life we better then." Zoey agreed.

Topanga and Cory then walked out from the hallway, wearing their pyjamas.

"Honey, I hate the kids." Shawn complained.

"We're still hungry." Cory grumbled.

"Spaghetti!" Topanga exclaimed.

The newlyweds raced down to the kitchen.

"Don't you guys have any baked goods or frozen treats?" Cory wondered as he and Topanga raced down to the island.

Zoey cleared her throat. "Uh, guys, you are our closest friends, but we are sick and tired of you."

"Please get out and don't ever come back." Shawn begged.

Cory scoffed. "They crack me up, these two."

"Cory." Topanga began tentatively. "Maybe we should go back to our...."

"Hole?" Cory asked.

"Our..." She trailed off.

"Dump?" He suggested.

"Our..." She continued.

"Sewer?" The wedded couple said in unison as their eyes rounded pleadingly.

"Look." Shawn began, getting up from his spot and stood behind Zoey, rubbing her shoulders. "We'd love to hang out with you guys forever, but right now, you're on this new marriage thing and we're on this new engaged thing..."

"Yeah." Zoey agreed. "So it's like you're a couple and we're a couple, which is exactly the same except that-"

"You're married and we're happy." Shawn finished. "So get out. We're serious."

"We understand." Cory replied. "We really do. We'd never want to impose on your little life of sin."

"You make me sick!" Topanga exclaimed as they walked to the front door. "We're just gonna go and hang out with our other friends!"

"Yeah, you think you're our only friends in the world!?" Cory wondered.

"Well, you're not!" Topanga retorted.

"Because we are a beloved couple!" Cory exclaimed.

Shawn then slammed the door in their faces.


Later that day, Rachel, Angela and Zoey were sitting on the couch in the Student Union. The three of them were talking about the upcoming wedding for the engaged couple.

"So I was wondering if you two would like to be my bridesmaid?" Zoey asked.

Rachel smiled. "Yes!"

"Of course we will!" Angela exclaimed happily, wrapping her arms around Zoey.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora