74| Singled Out

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After a trip to the doctors for Cory about his sore tonsils. They found out that he had to get surgery to take them out which made Cory extremely nervous.

Mrs. Matthews, Topanga, Zoey, Shawn and Cory walked through the back door and entered the kitchen.

"Honey, a tonsillectomy is a really simple operation." Mrs. Matthews told her youngest son.

"Yeah. You stay overnight in the hospital, you eat Jell-O and you come home the next day." Topanga added.

"I don't need an operation." Cory stated in a hoarsely voice.

Zoey raised her eyebrows. "Then why are you talking like that?"

"I just irritated my tonsils brushing my teeth. It's that darn angle toothbrush." Cory explained.

"Shawn, tell you friend he has to go to the hospital." Topanga insisted, turning to him.

Shawn shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry, Topanga. I've got some serious problems with doctors, and I don't think I have to explain why."

"Explain why." Zoey told her boyfriend.

"Fine. Last night I'm flipping through the channels, all right? I'm watching CNN..." Shawn began.

"You were watching CNN?" Cory asked.

"Yeah. They suckered me in with this story about cake, but then they did an expose on a fifteen year old boy, went to the hospital for a routine procedure and vanished." Shawn explained.

"Vanished?" Cory asked with wide eyes. He hesitated before running upstairs. "I want a second opinion."

"Cory, you're missing the point here. Cake!" Shawn called out.

Mrs. Matthews walked to the backdoor and opened it. "Shawn. You, go home. You're scaring my son."

"I'm sorry, but it's my duty to stay and protect my friend." Shawn responded.

Topanga then pushed Shawn out the door. "And I am protecting Cory from you."

Shawn glared at her. "You know, I could take you, Topanga."

"Yeah, but you can't take me." Zoey said with a smirk, pushing him back further.


Zoey could not believe that she had let Shawn dragged her into taking him to the hospital with her. She was currently trailing behind Shawn, who was dressed in doctors scrubs, approaching Cory's room.

"This is the best hospital with the best doctors in the city. Do you think they'd just let anybody in here?" Mr. Matthews told Cory before walking out of the room.

"Well, the first thing is security around here sucks." Shawn said as he and Zoey entered Cory's room.

Cory was already in bed, wearing a hospital gown and hooked up to an intravenous.

"How'd you get in here?" Cory wondered.

"He snuck past the doctors but not before grabbing some scrubs to wear to 'blend in'." Zoey explained.

"Never mind me. We gotta get you out of here." Shawn said as he walked at the end of the bed and began to pull.

"Careful. My intra-aah!" Cory yelled in pain.

"Sorry, man." Shawn apologized as he pushed the bed back to where it was.

"Are you okay, Cor?" Zoey asked in concern.

"That hurt." Cory muttered.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll take a look at that later. But we gotta get you out of here before you start losing your whole body." Shawn told his best friend.

Shawn huffed. "Ah, crazy, am I?"

Zoey immediately nodded. "Yeah, you are."

Shawn opened up a folded newspaper and began to read it. "'Dateline, Orlando, Florida. A fifteen year old boy admitted to a local hospital for a routine procedure today mysteriously vanished from the operating table'."

"Shawn, you know Cory's prone to nervousness." Zoey said, giving her boyfriend a pointed look.

"Right." Cory agreed, nodding his head. "So I would appreciate it if you didn't bring in invented stories from those idiotic supermarket tabloids, okay?"

"It's in New York Times, baby." Shawn replied.

Zoey snatched the paper out of his hands and looked at it. "The New York Times, trailer park edition."

Shawn shrugged. "It's exactly the same, except you can eat it."

"Shawn, you are crazy." Cory told him.

"Dr. Hunter, Dr. Hunter, you're wanted in delivery." A voice over the PA system called out.

Shawn raised his eyebrows. "Crazy, huh? Well, this hospital doesn't seem to think so."

"It's another Dr. Hunter, Shawn." Cory said.

"I'm going to delivery. I tell you, Cor, no matter how many you do, it's a miracle every time." Shawn said before he rushed out of the room.

Zoey pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah, I better go before he goes to the delivery room."

"Good idea." Cory agreed.


Cory had just came out of his surgery and it was successful. Zoey was standing beside Cory's bed alone with Topanga as he began to wake up from the anesthetics.

"Feel better now, Cory?" Topanga asked.

"I'm completely recovered, darling." Cory assured. "They might've taken out my tonsils, but they could never take out my love for you. So, what do you got, soup?"

Zoey grabbed the small container and held it in front of him. "Sherbet."

"Chicken and rice." Cory continued with a wide smile.

"You're still a little woozy, aren't you?" Topanga wondered.

"I'm seeing five of you guys." Cory replied.

"You feel strong enough to take a walk around the hallways?" Zoey questioned.

"Are you kidding? I would walk anywhere for soup." Cory said excitedly and got out of bed.

The three of them began to walk down the hallway. Zoey walked beside Cory as he would occasionally stumble over his feet.

"Come on, klutz." Zoey said.

"Says the klutzs and her four sisters." Cory responded.

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Idiot."

Cory then decided to walk back to his room. When they entered the room, they saw Shawn standing in the middle looking very concern.

"Shawn?" Cory called, gaining Shawn's attention. "Topanga and Zoey's and their eight sisters are taking me for soup. You want in?"

"Yeah. Sure." Shawn answered as he followed them, wrapping an arm around Zoey's shoulders.

PUBLISHED: May 19, 2018
WORDS: 981

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