18| It's A Wonderful Night

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During School lunch, Cory and Zoey were sitting on top of a table. Cory was flickering through one of his comic books, while Zoey sat beside him, reading one of her homework books.

"Tonight is going to be the best night of our lives." Shawn stated, as he jumped onto the table beside the brunette.

Cory smiled. "Mum and Dad - gone."

"Eric - date." Zoey said.

"Who's left in charge? Judy - queen of zits." Cory told his friends.

"We'll tell her she's looking... especially broken out this evening..." Shawn trailed off.

"So she'll spend all night in the bathroom squeezing her face." Cory finished.

"Leaving us free to watch..." Shawn reached into his bag and pulled out a tape.

Zoey narrowed her eyes at the cover. "Barney Salutes the Alphabet?"

"That's just the box. It's parent camouflage." Shawn simply explained. "Outside, a happy purple sock. Inside, the guts are flying."

Shawn slid the tape out of the cover and handed it to Cory.

"Whoa!" Cory gaped. "I'm Blowing Up Your Head, Part Six - Stumpy's Revenger."

Zoey turned to Shawn, confused. "I thought Stumpy died at part five."

"Well, that's why he wants revenge." Shawn told her.

Zoey chuckled. "Cool."


Once it was night, Shawn and Zoey were over at Cory's place. The three of them thought that Judy was coming over to babysit, but she had to canceled, and Eric asked Mr. Feeny to babysit instead. Mr. Feeny accepted.

Shawn, Cory and Zoey were sitting on the couch, watching the movie while Mr. Feeny was playing tea part with Morgan. After a couple minutes later, Mr. Feeny began walking in the their direction. Zoey quickly nudged Cory, who grabbed the remote and turned the channel over.

Mr. Feeny watched the nature channel for a few seconds, before he went into the kitchen. When he was out of sight, Cory turned the movie back on.

"All right college girl in the shower... kiss your head goodbye." Stupmy said in the movie.

Shawn, Zoey and Cory watched as the woman in the movie screamed, before Stumpy blew her head off. The three of them was shocked and excited at the same time.

"Why did Stumpy just blow off her head?" Cory asked, a wide smile spread across his lips.

"Well, that's a tough on, Cor. Stumpy's a pretty complex guy." Shawn casually responded.

"Here we are." Mr. Feeny's said as he walked back into the living room.

Cory immediately reached for the remote and changed the channel before Mr. Feeny noticed.

"After the infant caribous is delivered... the mother licks it free of the birth fluids." The TV narrator explained.

"Eww!" Cory, Shawn and Zoey cringed, scrunching their face up in disgust.

"Oh, buck up. You're watching the glorious tapestry of nature." Mr. Feeny told them, before making his way back over to Morgan.

Cory grabbed the remote and changed it back to the movie. Stumpy just made another with his crossbow.

Zoey chuckled. "Ooh, she blowed up real good."

"I wonder if Eric is having as good a time as we are?" Shawn wondered.

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