88| Cult Fiction

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In Mr. Turner's class, Zoey tapped her foot against the floor nervously as she waited for her paper to be graded. Mr. Turner walked up and down the isles, returning papers they had written a few weeks ago.

"Lawrence, good." Mr. Turner, handing the paper to her. Then Cory. "Matthews, not bad." Then Zoey. "Francis, brilliant." Finally, Shawn. "Hunter, bad."

The bell rang.

"Turner, bell." Shawn replied.

While everyone packed up their bags and rushed out of the classroom, Mr. Turner held Shawn back. Zoey noticed and stood behind Shawn.

"Wait, hold on. Hold on." Mr. Turner said. Shawn stopped, looking impatient. "Y'know, you're a junior in high school now, Shawn. You have no goals as far as I can say. Have you even thought about college?"

"I'm going to college!" Shawn protested.

"Oh, you are? Where?" Mr. Turner asked.

"Hawaii. I figure I have a better shot outside the country." Shawn explained.

"You know, Shawn, the people who care about you in this life, you can count on one hand. So don't-don't blow me off, okay?" Mr. Turner told him.

Cory and Topanga lingered behind Zoey as well.

"John, I've got people who care about me." Shawn assured.

"You know, Shawn, I think Mr. Tuner's right." Cory said, gaining his best friend's attention. "Okay, I mean, we've got one more year of high school and the humidity in Hawaii is gonna make my hair go-" He then demonstrated an effect, raising his hands above his head. "Whoo!"

"Well, I want to go to Penn State." Topanga added.

"And I wanna go where she goes." Cory announced, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend. "Anyone surprise by that?"

Zoey stepped forward an wrapped her arms around Shawn's torso. "I wanna go where Shawnie goes."

"That's the power of love." Shawn said, leaning down and pressed a kiss on her head.

Zoey smiled at Mr. Turner. "We're in love."

"I see that." Mr. Turner said. He turned his attention back to Shawn. "Tick tock, the clock is moving and you're running out of time to figure out your life."

"Hey, John, you're not my guardian anymore. I'm back with my parents, I'll be fine." Shawn said.

"Yeah, Shawn, but I'm one of the handful of people who cares about you." Mr. Turner repeated. "Y'know? Now your parents are busy, trying to work out their marriage. So are they." He nodded to Cory and Topanga who walked slowly out of the classroom. He turned back to Shawn. "And, you know, you had four years of security in these halls, but they throw you out next year, Shawn. What're you going to do then? Huh? Who are you going to be?"

Mr. Turner left after the, leaving only Zoey behind. She turned to face Shawn and captured his lips into hers. Her lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her lip balm lingered far after she had gone.

Shawn grinned against her lips, unable to help himself.

"It's gonna be okay, Shawnie." Zoey assured when they pulled apart.

Shawn frowned. "Yeah, I know."

She placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Shawn replied.

Zoey nodded and exited the classroom, passing a dark-haired girl hanging out by the doorway on her way out.


It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now