109| Starry Night

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The Van Gogh expedition is not a regular art exhibition in a stuffy old museum. It's a sensory-packed experience that actually allows you to become part of a masterpiece and experience Van Gogh's art in a completely different way.

When Topanga and Zoey walked in, they came across a quiet setting with art displayed against plain backdrops and a label telling you the name of the artist, the work and the date.

"'Silas Matthews and Ebeneezer Hunter, founding fathers'." Topanga read the plague underneath a old photo. "I knew I shouldn't have come here. I was supposed to come here with Cory. Everything reminds me of him. Zo, I miss him."

"Topanga, you're going crazy. You're starting to see our boyfriends everywhere. Let's just see this exhibit, you've been waiting forever to see this." Zoey insisted.

"How could he talk to another girl all night. How could he kiss her?" Topanga demanded for the thousandth time.

"He told you it didn't mean anything." Zoey reminded.

"How could it not mean anything?" Topanga asked in disbelief. "He kissed another girl. You don't kiss somebody and have it not mean anything. I don't understand that. I should have left him up on those monkey bars."

"Oh, please, not the monkey bar story." Zoey begged.

"Monkey bars." Topanga began wistfully. "I was in the sandbox and I saw the cutest little curly-haired boy on the monkey..." She trailed off as he turned around to see her friend mimicking her story. She gave her a pointed look. "Okay, just forget it."

The two girls walked further into the exhibit and moved closer to one of the paintings, standing behind two girls.

"'Van Gogh's brush strokes and choice of colour emphasize his heightened sense of emotion'." One girl read from the brochure.

"Yeah." The other girl agreed before they went to the next painting.

Topanga and Zoey stepped closer to admire the painting before Zoey's gaze caught sight of a reasonably attractive boy who was watching them.

Zoey nudged Topanga. "I think you have an admirer, Topanga."

The boy began to approached them. "Excuse me, is your name Topanga."

Topanga nodded. "Yes, my name is Topanga."

"I'm Ricky Ferris." He introduced. "I'm sure you don't remember me, but I certainly remember you."

Zoey narrowed her ways at him. "You two know each other?"

Ricky chuckled nervously. "Sort of. You changed my life forever when we were about six years old."

"I did?" Topanga asked.

"She did?" Zoey wondered.

"You see," He began, his gaze focused on Topanga. "You ended my little league career. Hit me with a fast ball so hard right on my left cheek. I think I still have a mark there, but you don't want to see that. You see, you were the one who helped me realize that I was more of an artist than an athlete."

"He owes you." Zoey whispered to Topanga.

"I'm sorry and I promise never to hit you on the tush with a fast ball ever again." Topanga replied.

"Well, why don't you make it up to me by seeing the Van Gogh's exhibit together?" Ricky offered.

Topanga hesitated.

"Oh, look." Zoey spoke as she raised the brochure. "They just opened a new exhibit that called 'you're allowed to ditch your best friend for the cute boy in front of you'."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now