43| The Thrilla' In Phila

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"Okay, guys, yearbook time." Topanga said when she approached Shawn, Zoey and Cory in the middle of the school hall. "As you look back on your first year at John Adams, what would you consider your greatest accomplishment and why?"

"Probably meetings new friends." Zoey said, shrugging her shoulders. Topanga nodded and wrote it down in her notepad.

"Let's see...." Cory trailed off. "I mean, there's so many."

"It's hard to pick just one."

"There the time we..." Cory started.

"No. No, that wasn't us." Shawn said, cutting off Cory.

"What about the time we...?" Cory asked.

Shawn shook his head. "Also not us."

"You guys are the two most pathetic students in this school." Topanga told the boys before she walked away from them.

"That's an accomplishment." Shawn said.

"She's right, Shawn. I mean, the year's almost over and I haven't made a name for myself. And you know whose fault it is?" Cory asked.

"Your own?" Zoey guessed, raising her eyebrows

"No, why should I take the fall? I blame..." Cory trailed off and looked across the hall to see the jocks picking on a kid. "...the jocks!"

"Why?" Zoey asked.

"Because they wear those stupid jackets and therefore get all the girls." Cory explained. "What chance do I have?"

"Whoa." Shawn said when a jock came up behind him and picked him up. "Major growth spurt."

"Too heavy." The jock told his friends before putting down Shawn and made their way towards Cory.

"Please don't. Please don't. I had a fat, heavy breakfast." Cory begged before his mouth was covered by another jock as he was lifted into the air.

"We've got an opening of the 108-pound super-confetti-weight division on the wrestling team." A blonde jock explained. "Savage?"

A jock shook Cory slightly. "Perfect."

"Congratulations, kids. You're on the wrestling team." The blonde Jock announced when Cory was placed back on the ground.

Cory scoffed and made his way over to Shawn and Zoey. "Yeah! Like there's a chance in the universe I'd ever want to be on your stupid wrestling team."

"Here's your jacket." Another jock said, handing him the item of clothing.

"Ooh." Cory said, grabbing the jacket. "Look, guys, my jacket."

"Here's your uniform." the jock said, passing it to Cory.

"My uniform." Cory repeated, excitedly as he took the piece of clothing. "This is like Christmas here."

"Here's your candy." The jock added.

"Candy?" Cory wondered.

A blonde, tall girl walked up to Cory and wrapped an arm around him. "Hi, I'm Candy."

"Sweet." Cory responded.


The next day at school, Shawn and Zoey were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, watching Cory sit at another table surrounded by Jocks.

"A toast to Cory Matthews! The newest member of the John Adams High wrestling team." A jock said.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" All the Jocks chanted as they all drank from their drinks. Cory tried crushing a can to his head, but only hurting himself which caused Zoey to slightly cringed.

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