95| No Guts, No Cory

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In History, bent over her notes, Zoey did her best to catch up with Mr. Feeny as he stood in front of the class and was about to end his discussion about Pearl Harbour.

"And so the United States entered World War II on December 7th, 1941. As FDR said ' a day that will live in infamy." Mr. Feeny concluded as the bell rang. "I want to thank those of you who brought in some of your family mementos. It helped to snow that this war was not just a point in history but an event that touched all our lives. Thank you."

Zoey stood up and filed out of the classroom after everyone else and caught up with her friends in the hallway as Topanga showed Cory a photo of her grandparents.

"You know, he asked her to marry him on December 7th, 1941." Topanga said.

"Wait, I know that date." Cory realized. "Help me out here."

"Pearl Harbour." Shawn replied. "The day that will live in infamy. Feeny was just talking about it."

Zoey gave her boyfriend a smug look. "You listened to Feeny."

Shawn paused for a moment before he stared at her in shock. "Oh my god. I listened to Feeny!"

Zoey couldn't help but laugh as her and Shawn began walking down the halls.

"It's not so bad, you know... listening to Mr, Feeny." Zoey told him with a smirk.

"No, it's bad." Shawn disagreed. "Hey, I was wondering if I could see that picture of your grandparents."

"Sure." Zoey replied, showing her boyfriend a photo of her grandparents as they walked out.

Shawn smiled as he looked down at the photo of the happy couple. "They look so in love."

"They still are." Zoey said, smiling proudly.

Shawn furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait. So hold were they when they got married?"

"They were our age." Zoey answered

Then a black cat roaming the halls caught Shawn's attention.

"Hey, kitty, are you lost?" He cooed as he scooped the cat into his arms.

"You know, my grandpa never knew if he'd make it home, but that's the way it was back then. People never knew how their lives would turn out." Zoey said in fascination.

"I know." He sighed as he scratched the cat's head. "I don't know how I'd handle living back then. I wonder what it was like during World War II"

The black cat, Salem Saberhagen is 500-year-old witch who was sentenced to spend 100 years as a cat by the Witches Council as punishment for attempting to take over the world. But he still had his powers so he decided he would let Shawn see exactly what it was like during World War II.

"And away we go." Salem said but it sounded like a purr to everyone around him.

(December 6, 1941)

Shawn and Zoey walked down the school hallway dressed in era-suitable clothing. Shawn wrapped an arm around his girlfriend as the pair stopped to study the 'I want you' poster hung up on the wall.

"Well, I'm glad the US of A ain't mixed up in this war because I could never be away from my best gal ." Shawn admitted, kissing her nose sweetly.

Zoey pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "I could never be away from you, kiddo."

Just as the couple shared a sweet moment, Mr. Feeny walked into the hallway with a solemn expression. "Attention, everyone. Please? It is with great sadness that I must inform you that the United States has entered the war. May God be with us all."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя