78| Easy Street

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In Mr. Turner's class, Zoey was sitting at her desk, reading Robert's Frosts' poem while Topanga stood in front of the classroom, reading out loud while the class listened.

"'Two roads diverged in the wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference." Topanga read out.

"Okay. No, what do we take from this poem?" Mr. Turner asked.

Topanga was about to responded when two sleeping noises interrupted her, a loud snore coming first followed by a 'yip, yip, yip...' Zoey just rolled her eyes at the boys lack of interest in the poem.

Mr. Feeny entered the classroom and noticed the boys'. "Interesting. In my class, Mr. Hunter handles the yipping."

Cory woke up and jumped at the sight of both teachers staring down t him. His eyes widened and he turned to Shawn in panic. "Shawn! Shawn, it's both of them."

Shawn sleepily rubbed his eyes as he looked between the teachers. "Oh, no. Now I don't know which class I slept through."

"Mine, Hunter." Mr. Turner told him. "Remember The Road Not Taken?"

"A remarkable poem in which the poet in which the poet tells us that we make choices in life and each one put us on a new road that can have a profound effect on our destinies." Mr. Feeny explained.

"Mr. Feeny, how does a poem about a guy on two roads have anything to do with our lives when we can't even drive yet?" Shawn asked.

Mr. Feeny patted Shawn's shoulder. "Isn't he fun?"

"I like to think of him as job security." Mr. Turner responded.

"Mr. Matthews, what was your last choice in your life?" Mr. Feeny wondered.

"Well, I did just get a job for Christmas break." Cory replied. "I'm a gopher for Little Pauly's restaurant."

"And I got me this soft, cushy union job down on the docks. This year, I'll finally be able to buy nice presents for my friends and family." Shawn added, looking over at his girlfriend. After all the years he'd never given her a present, he wanted this one to be different.

Zoey smiled. "And I'm working at the café downtown with my mum."

"Alright, I want you to keep a journal about the choices you make over the next week. Then I want you to write a paper on the potential of those choices to change your life." Mr. Turner told the class.

"Mr. Turner, what if my choice is to not do the assignment?" Shawn questioned.

Mr. Turner pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to Mr. Feeny. "You want this one, George?"

Mr. Feeny shook his head. "No, no. Your class. I get them after lunch."

Mr. Turner looked back to Shawn. "Well, then you would get an F, not get into college, spend your time hanging out at the local convenience store, waiting for them to bring in a new batch of lottery tickets."

"And that would change my life how?" Shawn wondered.


According to the radio news at breakfast, it was the coldest morning of the year. That didn't surprise Zoey. She could feel the wind creeping in through the spaces between her scarf and coat and the sky above was raw, threatening white.

Zoey was making her way to the Matthew's house for her break. Working as a cashier in a café became one of her furthermost experiences in this industry. Love and passion in this field enables her to keep on working in the café during Christmas break. The reason behind this is that Zoey just loved working with her mother.

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