32| Sister Theresa

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In the morning, Zoey walked along the school halls with Cory and Shawn beside her. As they were walking, Cory was complaining to his friends that his mother told him to change his attitude.

"So, my Mum says, 'Why don't you try being polite for just one day, and see if people don't notice'?" Cory explained.

"Hey, for what it's worth, Cor, I think you're polite." Shawn told his best friend. "Then again, polite in my family means wearing a tie for your arraignment."

"I appreciate your quick response with the fire extinguisher, Mr. Mendoza, but in the future, please, wait for a fire." Mr. Feeny's voice was heard through the hall.

The three turned around to see Mr. Feeny walking down with a kid that was covered in fire extinguisher. When the kid had walked away, Mr. Feeny sneezed.

"Oh, bless you, Mr. Feeny." Cory said.

"Oh, thank you..." Mr. Feeny trailed off before he stopped himself when he saw Cory. "...Mr. Matthews, that's surprisingly considerate."

"Good. Tell my mother." Cory said. And in response Mr. Feeny walked away from the three of them. "Oh, now watch as I shift into turbo polite." He then ran towards the boys bathroom and opened it for his older brother. "Eric, allow me."

"Okay." Eric hesitantly responded as he walked into the boys bathroom.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Cory asked.

"No, I'll take it from here. Thanks." Eric replied.

While Shawn and Zoey were standing by the lockers, the two noticed that Cory was talking to a pretty brunette girl. Cory and the girl talked for a moment before she began writing something on Cory's hand, probably her number.

When the pretty brunette walked away, Shawn and Zoey immediately walked over to Cory with wide smiles spread across their faces.

"All right, Cor!" Zoey exclaimed happily.

"That girl... she wrote seven numbers on my hand." Cory informed as he looked at his hand. "What could that possibly mean?"

"It means call her." Shawn said.

"Shawn, how can I call her when I don't even have her...." Cory stopped himself when he realized that her number was on his hand. "Oh."


In English the next day, Cory, Shawn and Zoey were huddled together. Cory was explaining them about T.K. - the pretty brunette - who he was talking to yesterday.

"You know, last night, T.K. and I talked on the phone for, like, two hours!" Cory said, sounding very impressed with himself. "I mean, it beats my previous time with a girl by, like... two hours! She even asked me out to the movies this Friday night."

Zoey raised her eyebrows. "She asked you out?"

"Yep." Cory answered with a wide smile. "And I just might let her take me."

"All right, homeroom, announcements." Mr. Turner spoke when he entered the classroom and towards the front of the class. Zoey sighed and sat down at her desk. "Uh, stay awake. Items one: Chess squad. All students interested in trying out for the fast-paced world of..." He stopped himself when he saw the entire class bored out of their minds. "Yeah. Um, let's see, jumping to relevant stuff... Item eleven: Due to a freezer mishap, fish kebabs will not be served in the cafeteria today as scheduled."

The entire class, including Zoey clapped. Shawn got out of his seat and started bowing.

"Thank you, thank you." Shawn said.

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