37| Breaking Up Is Really, Really Hard To Do

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Shawn, Cory and Zoey were inside Chubbies, sitting at a table. Cory was reading off an invitation, Shawn was making out with a girl from school while Zoey sat uncomfortable beside him, fumbling with her fingers.

"Stephanie and Todd invite you to a dinner party at Todd's place. Couples only." Cory read out the invitation. "Shawn, Zoey, that's discrimination. It leaves out a lot of people who have committed themselves to the single life. People like you, me and Zoey."

"Huh?" Shawn asked when he parted from the girl.

"People like me and Zoey." Cory corrected. Zoey raised her eyebrows before she saw one of her classmates, Mark wave at her. She smiled warmly and returned the gesture. "People like me."

"Remember in health class, that section on the movement of blood?" Shawn asked. He then turned to the girl who he'd made out with. "I understand it now."

The girls smiled before she left their table.

"Fine, bail on your best friend." Cory sighed, sitting beside Zoey.

"Cory, just ask a girl and you can go. too." Zoey suggested, before pointing to Wendy, who sat in a booth alone. "Look, there's Wendy. You know her, you like her... Ask her to be your girlfriend."

"Just for the party? That's not right." Cory said.

"It is right. You're supposed to do that. You're thinking to much. Do what I do - don't think." Shawn responded.

"Zoey, tell me what to do." Cory said, slightly begging.

"Cory, I'm not your mother, you're a big boy, do what you want. It's your choice." Zoey told him. Cory sighed in defeat and walked over to Wendy.

"So, Zoey..." Shawn spoke, gaining her attention. "You going to the party?"

"Yeah, I guess." Zoey answered with a small shrug. "I might being going with Mark, but he hasn't asked me yet."

Shawn nervously glanced down at his feet. "Did you want to go with me?"

"Of course." Zoey replied with wide, happily smile.

"Shawn! Zoey!" Cory called as he approached their table, excitedly. "Hey, look at me, I'm a couple."

Zoey chuckled and gave him a thumbs up. "Good job, Cor."


A week after the party, Shawn, Cory and Zoey were currently in the cafeteria. The three of them talked about the party until Bunny approached them.

"Hi, Cory." She greeted.

"Oh, Bunny.... Hi." Cory greeted back.

"Can you help me with my English homework?" Bunny wondered, holding her books in her hands.

"Sorry, I can't tonight." Cory replied. Zoey and Shawn exchanged looks and sighed to their friends oblivious.

"Oh." Bunny frowned before she walked away from them.

Cory turned to his friends, confused. "What's with the girls in our English class? That's like the fifth one who's asked me for help with homework."

"Cor, are you that clueless?" Zoey wondered, raising her eyebrows.

"Clueless?" Cory repeated. "Obviously I'm the one who knows what the homework is."

"They don't want homework, they want you." Shawn explained.

"Why?" Cory questioned

"Because you're a couple. You're off the market. They can't have you, they want you more." Shawn answered. Him and Zoey then made their way over to the vending machine.

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