46| My Best Friend's Girl

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Over the summer holiday, Zoey had been down at the beach with her mother and had a wonderful time. She made lots of friends down there but something was missing deep down, she had extremely missed both Shawn and Cory. Zoey had been writing to Shawn mostly every day of Summer, missing being with her boyfriend.

But when summer was over it was back to school. Zoey casually wore a pair of jeans and a white singlet with a purple flannel, while her hair was down past her shoulders.

Zoey currently walked through the schools hall but stopped when she saw Topanga standing in the middle of the hall. Topanga was finally back from her summer trip. She had change in the slightest, a little older just like Zoey.

"Topanga." Zoey greeted, approaching her. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Zo. You also look gorgeous." Topanga said, smiling warmly before they two crashed into a tight hug. "How was your summer?"

"It was great." Zoey responded, pulling apart from the hug. "I just went to the beach with my mum. What about you?"

"It was fantastic. My family and I had the best trip." Topanga said with a bright smile.

Zoey chuckled. "So... any cute boys on your trip?"

"Zoey! Of course not." Topanga replied.

Zoey laughed slightly and made her way over to her locker, placing her bag into it. Then unexpectedly hands wrapped around Zoey's waist and suddenly her feet were no longer on the floor. She squealed as Shawn lifted her higher, chuckling as she laughed.

"Okay, okay, you can put me down now!" Zoey giggled happily as her boyfriend laughed, putting her back down on the floor.

The two smiled for a couple seconds before they crashed into a tight hug. Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck while Shawn's arms were around her waist tightly. A small full of heat built up in her cheeks.

"I'm missed you." Shawn said.

"I've missed you, too." Zoey muttered into his shoulder. The two continued to hug a couple seconds before they both stepped out of the embrace.

Zoey leaned forward and captured his lips into hers. Shawn grinned against her lips, unable to help himself.

"What just happened over there?" Cory asked as he walked up to the couple, causing them to pull apart. "Hey, Zo. I mean, I'm talking you two fine, but over there with Topanga, I became a... a... sea monkey."

"That's a bad animal, man." Shawn told him.

Then the school bell rang. Mr. Turner appeared around the corner and rushed down the small flight of stairs, towards the three of them.

"Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys... You didn't hear, did you?" Mr. Turner asked.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"This year when the bell rings, it means get to class." Mr. Turner said.

"Sorry, Mr. Turner." Zoey apologized.

Shawn, Zoey and Cory walked into the classroom and sat down in their usual seats. Topanga was up in front of the class as Mr. Turner was handing her stacks of paper.

"Cor, here's your chance. Just ask her out for movie night." Shawn whispered, leaning forward.

"Try and stop it." Cory challenge as Topanga came over, passing out papers. "Topanga." She turned around and faced Cory, who raised his piece of paper. "Thanks for this." He then saluted at Topanga. When Topanga had left, he turned to his friends. "I saluted."

Zoey sighed. "We all saw."

"Cor, you're making too big a deal out of this. Just act natural." Shawn told him.

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