148| The Provider

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During the day, Blake, Angela, Rachel were sitting on the couch in the Student Union while Zoey sat on Shawn's lap, leaning her head against his shoulder while he slid an arm around. The group were talking about what news they've heard recently.

Cory and Topanga had both gotten jobs, and of course, Topanga was better between the two.

Eric and Jack walked into the Student Union. Zoey narrowed her eyes when she saw Eric breathing on something around his neck.

"Everybody relax! Nothing bad can happen to you. Nothing at all. You're with me." Eric told them.

"What's going on over there?" Angela asked.

"He found a lucky penny." Jack explained.

"You really believe in that stuff, Eric?" Zoey wondered.

Eric nodded. "Yes, Zo, yes I do. I'm the chosen one. I'm protected. I've got an invisible shield all over my body. Watch this. Rocco!"

Jack instantly grabbed onto Eric's arm. "No, no, no, please! I don't want to get hurt!"

"Rocco! Rocco!" Eric sung as he made his way over to the captain of the football team.

"Matthews, you better have a good reason for botherin' me." Rocco said.

"Let's go." Jack whispered to Eric.

"I just want Rocco to clear something up for me." Eric responded.

Rocco pointed a finger at Eric. "If it's your complexion, no can do!"

The entire football team began laughing, including Eric.

"Just curious, as an athlete on the football team, is it a distraction being gay?" Eric wondered suddenly.

Everyone in the Student Union, including Shawn, Blake, Rachel and Zoey's mouth parted in shock at Eric's question.

"Thank you." Rocco told Eric appreciatively.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"I've been holding it in for so long." Rocco explained. He then turned to face his teammates. "Fellas, I'm gay..."

"That's okay, Rocco. So are we." One of the football players announced.

Without a word, the group huddled around the pool table, watching Jack, Blake and Eric play a game. Shawn had wrapped his arms around Zoey's waist and kissed her collarbone softly. Zoey had a genuine smile taking place of her face as she leaned back, resting on his chest.

Then the married couple walked into the Student Union. Cory had become increasingly frustrated with how easily Topanga could prove herself and it all came to an argument in the middle of the Student Union.

"Oh, look. How cute! They're having their first fight." Rachel said.

"Cory, I don't like that you can't talk to me about this." Topanga said as she followed her husband towards the coffee shop.

"Topanga, look, I just... I don't want to say anything that I'm gonna regret, okay?" Cory responded.

"Do you think maybe we should leave?" Rachel asked Eric.

"No." Eric answered with his eyes glued on the couple. "I wanna see Topanga make Cory cry."

"I mean, Cory, whatever bug you have up your butt, why're you blaming it on me?" Topanga asked.

"Topanga, if you're as smart as your A-streak says you are, you'd know just to leave me alone right now." Cory retorted as he picked up the coffee cup that waited for him.

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