69| Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

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Back in middle school, Zoey and Topanga were walking through the school halls together. As the years went by and they began making their way past childhood and into their teen years, the girls found themselves closer than ever. In fact, it was this very friendship that helped them through what they'd faced so far in the early stages of their teen hood.

The two could talk to each other about things Cory and Shawn would never even being to understand. They didn't need to explain to each other, they just understood. In fact, sometimes they didn't even need to talk at all to know what was going on.

"So..." Topanga sang with a smile. "How are you and Shawn?"

Zoey smiled at the mention of her boyfriend. "It's Great! It's like Spring. Everything's blooming. Your chest feels like it's going to explode, you're so happy to see or even hear from the other person. They're the person with whom you most look forward to speaking. I love him so much, Topanga."

Topanga chuckled as the two made their way over to their boyfriends.

"Yes. Fine. You're perfect." Cory complained as Shawn continued to fix his hair in his locker mirror. "Now, can we get out of the hallway where everyone can see me?"

"Hang on." Shawn said, brushing him off. "Just need to get a little more hair in my eyes. Gotta make sure I look good for my Zo."

"You know I hate that." Cory grumbled and spun Shawn around and started frantically running his hands through Shawn's hair to mess it up.

Shawn pushed himself off and turned back to his mirror. "Also good."

"Also good. Also good." Cory repeated darkly as he scratched his hair in disdain. "Move!"

"Whoa, whoa. Cory, come on." Shawn said, pulling Cory's hands away worriedly. "You're gonna cut your fingers."

"You're right." Cory exhaled deeply, seeming to finally calm down. "I'm overreacting. It's just that between you and Eric, I feel like I'm surrounded by people with perfect hair."

"Hi, Cory." Topanga greeted as she and Zoey finally joined them.

"No need to explain these relationships, is there?" Cory asked with a frown as he motioned to the two beautiful girls.

"What are you guys talking about?" Zoey wondered.

Cory shook his head. "Nothing. I'm just a little insecure today, but I'm sure it'll pass."

Dylan Banks suddenly joined them with a charming smile. "Hey, Topanga."

"Hey, Dylan." Topanga greeted politely.

"So, you wanna go out this weekend?" Dylan asked her casually.

"Of course not." Topanga replied heatedly as she glared at him. "I'm going out with Cory."

Dylan's his eyes in disbelief. "Oh, you're still with him? I figured you'd have dumped him over the summer." He then noticed Zoey and smiled at her. "Zoey, I didn't notice you over there."

"Good. Now leave." Shawn demanded firmly, standing up in front of Dylan.

"I'm with Shawn, Dylan." Zoey reminded.

"Well, if you decide to dump them, here's my card." Dylan said, handing the girls a card before he walked away without a care.

"Locker number 168." Cory read off the card. "Huh. That's a nice locker.

Shawn looked down at Zoey. "So, how often does that happen?"

"How many times does it happen to you?" Zoey questioned.

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