89| Learning To Fly

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Today, Shawn and Cory were going with Eric to check out is possible future college, Beach State. Zoey was starting to get nervous about spending the weekend alone with Shawn unsupervised, so she had to come up with a lie to tell her boyfriend that she couldn't make it this weekend.

Zoey walked onto Cory's back porch to see Shawn already packing his things for the weekend.

"All right, Zoey, all packed and ready to go..." Shawn trailed off, approaching his girlfriend before noticing that she hasn't got her stuff. "... except you have no suitcase and no sleeping bag. Why, Miss Francis, I'm flattered and more flattered."

"Shawn, I'm not going." Zoey informed sadly.

"And less flattered." Shawn added.

"My Aunt wouldn't let me spend the night away unsupervised." Zoey lied.

Shawn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Unsupervised? I'll be there."

"That's kind of the problem. She feels that, at our age, it might be improper." Zoey added, continuing her lie.

"Listen, Zo, we are old enough to make these kind of decisions on our own, and now your Aunt comes along and puts the kibosh on the whole deal. I'm calling her, okay?" Shawn said and began walking to the kitchen.

"Shawn?" Zoey called. Shawn stopped and turned to her. "What exactly did you think was going to happen this weekend?"

Shawn slowly walked over to his girlfriend and softly grabbed a hold of her hands. "Zoey, I don't know, I mean, there's a beach, there's a moon, there's you, there's me."

"I'm sorry. I can't go." Zoey told him with a frown.

"You know, I can't believe that you're going to let your Aunt get in the way of us being together alone for a weekend. Zoey, why doesn't this mean as much to you as it means to me?" Shawn asked, looking down at her with a pointed look.

Zoey pursed her lips. "That's not fair."

"I don't think it's very fair, either, okay?" Shawn responded.

Without a word, Zoey gave her boyfriend a pointed glare before walking away, leaving Shawn standing all by himself on Cory's back porch.


On the Saturday, Zoey was sitting on her bed and studied. She had a test for Spanish coming up in a few days. She had to get an A on it in order to prevent her grade from dropping. Every other subject she would pass without doubt but Spanish.... it was kryptonite.

Zoey let out a groan and looked down at her Spanish textbook with a pout.

Then someone knocked on her door.

"Come in." Zoey called.

The door knob turned and the door open, and Aunt Maggie walked in.

"Evening. How was your day?" Aunt Maggie asked but raised her hands to stop Zoey. "It can't be so good after the interesting call I had from Shawn."

"It could be better." Zoey responded honestly.

Aunt Maggie gave a small smile and walked over to the reading table. She carried the chair and brought it to the front where Zoey sat on the bed.

Aunt Maggie was quiet for a while and if Zoey didn't know he she will have said she doesn't know what to say or she was confused. But she wasn't. She already know what she wanted to say before she walked inside the room.

She is just a women that thought well before she talks.

"Why did you lie to Shawn?" Aunt Maggie wondered.

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