28| Who's Afraid Of Cory Wolf?

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It was Halloween.

Shawn and Zoey were already dressed up for a Halloween party that was taking place tonight. Shawn was dressed up as Cory, even got a curly wig on, while Zoey was dressed up as witch. She had a witch hat and wore a black cloak.

The two of them were going over to Cory's place, to wait for Topanga then go to the party.

They got to his house just in time before the rain poured down heavily. Shawn rang the doorbell, and Mrs. Matthews answered it, telling them that Cory was up in his bedroom.

Shawn and Zoey walked upstairs and into Cory's room to see him at his desk, writing something down.

"Hey, Cor. You ready for the Halloween party?" Zoey asked.

"Please. I have no time for such things." Cory said.

"Come on, guess who I'm going as." Shawn said as he stood still. "Okay, I'll give you a hint." He then began to mimic Cory. "'Wow, Shawn and Zoey, I wish I was as cool as you two'."

"I'm sure I have no idea." Cory said unemotionally.

Zoey chuckled. "He's going as you, Cor."

"Pretty lifelike, huh?" Shawn said, gesturing to the wig on his head. "So where's your costume?"

"I'm not going." Cory said.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows. "But you have to go."

Cory walked up to the window and looked outside. "No, I have to stay here, alone. Locked in my room where no one can see me."

Shawn scoffed and took the wig off. "What about Topanga? She's meeting us here, remember?"

"No, I told her it wasn't safe. I can't be responsible for my actions. Only evil will come from tonight." Cory said, worriedly.

Shawn smirked. "Gonna make your move, huh?"

"What are you talking about, Cory?" Zoey asked, having no clue to what he's on about.

"If I do, it'll be on all fours." Cory continued, ignoring Zoey's question. "Listen, I gotta tell somebody. Guys, I am one of the undead creatures of the night."

"Cory, you can't fool your best friend. Something's bothering you, isn't it?" Shawn asked. Zoey groaned and held her face in her hands. Shawn and Zoey sat on Cory's bed.

"Listen, what I'm about to tell you two, it's bizarre, no one in their right mind would believe it." Cory said, glancing between his best friends.

"Then Shawn's your guy." Zoey said.

Cory sighed. "It all started last night...."



Cory opened the back door and walked outside, holding a garbage bag as he was about to take it out.

"Mr. Matthews, I wouldn't be taking out that garbage if I were you." Mr. Feeny said over the fence as he was walking back to his house, holding a garbage bag.

"I had to. It was starting to move." Cory responded.

"Haven't you heard?" Mr. Feeny wondered.

"I haven't heard anything. I live upstairs." Cory said.

"Well, it seems a wolf escaped from the Philadelphia Zoo." Mr. Feeny informed. "Authorities believe that it may be somewhere in our area."

Cory raised his eyebrows. "A wolf out here in the 'burbs'?"

It's My Life • Shawn Hunterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن