25| Notorious

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After one of their classes, Shawn, Cory and Zoey were walking through the corridors. They were finding Eric, who was supposed to be dropping them off at home. The three stopped to a halt when they heard a moan coming from the newspaper office.

"Ah, Eric, yes. That feels so good! Don't stop!" A girl moaned.

"Okay, we found my brother." Cory said with a smirk.

The three slightly opened the newspaper office ajar and popped their heads inside. Zoey looked inside the room to see Eric massaging Molly - the newspaper editor- shoulders as she was typing on the computer.

"This personality profile of our new principal is superlative." Molly said.

"Well, the man lives next door. Glad I could give some help." Eric said with a smile.

"Yes. Well, you give a wonderful neck massage." Molly commented.

"You know, Molly, I'm more than just a pair of strong, masculine hands." Eric said as he continued rubbing her shoulders.

"Well, of course you are, my little cabana boy." Molly said, before finishing up the newspaper. "Well, fini!"

Eric chuckled softly. "No, no. It's 'Feeny'."

Molly gave him a pointed look. "Fini is French for finished."

Eric huffed. "The French... our neighbors to the north."

"Hello!" Cory called, a smile plastered on his face.

Eric and Molly turned around to see the three of them, peaking their heads inside the newspaper office, before they walked inside.

"Not now, I'm working." Eric told his younger brother.

"You said you'd drive us home." Cory said, placing the rat cage he held onto the table. Molly let out a piercing scream and jumped back.

"Hey, babe, you're wiggin' out the rats!" Shawn told her, grabbing the rat cage.

"Rats?" Molly questioned, looking terrified.

Zoey nodded. "Yeah. We're studying natural selection. We're gonna see if rats know the difference between natural cheddar and 'I can't believe it's not cheese!'"

"Yep, our D-plus rets on furry little Shawn, Cory and Zoey." Shawn said, holding up the cage.

"You named them after yourselves?" Eric wondered as he looked into the rat cage.

"Yeah." Cory said, before showing his brother the rats. "Shawn and Zoey's are the ones chewing the lock. I'm the one with the skin disease."

"Keep your little vermin away from tomorrow's edition of the school paper." Molly said as she slowly made her way over to the computer.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go, all six of you rats." Eric insisted.

Eric, Shawn and Cory began walked out of the newspaper office, whilst Zoey had grabbed onto the cage. Her mouth slightly parted when she realized that something was missing inside.

"Um...." Zoey trailed off, giving the others an worried look. "All five of us rats."

"Little Shawn broke out?" Cory asked with a smile. He stepped forward and noticed the rat on the ground. He picked the animal up and began approached Molly, taunting her. "He wants to kiss you!" Molly let out another piercing scream as she imemdalty ran out of the room, slamming the door shut. "Come on, you kissed my brother!"

"Hey, thank you. Thank you very much. I finally get a brainy girl interested in me, and you guys screw it up!" Eric said, frustrated as Cory placed the rat back into the cage. Eric turned around to the door and tried to push it opened. After a moment, he turned back to the three with a smile. "Oh.. pull."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now