135| State Of The Unions

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Mr. Feeny and The Dean were getting married.

When Shawn and Zoey arrived at the Matthews' home, the entire living room was filled with multiple people as it was decorated beautifully for the wedding.

Shawn wore a simply brown tux while Zoey wore a nice red dress. The two stood beside each other at the back of the house.

Zoey gave Shawn a stern look. "Okay, this is a wedding, Don't you get emotional on me, got it? We came here as friends."

"I know, I know." Shawn said, holding his hands. "You've already reminded me three times in the car. It'll like we're back in middle school again."

Zoey rolled her eyes. "I was just making sure. It is a wedding after all and you're the cheesiest, sappiest person I know."

"Cheesy? Sappy? You're not talking about anything that describes me." Shawn said, staring at Zoey with offense. His gaze fell o the stairs as Morgan came down them. "Aww, Morgan's the flower girl. Gimme kissy."

"No." Zoey replied flatly.

The Wedding March song started when Dean walked down the staircase, following Morgan's path down to the aisle. Zoey couldn't help but smile as she watched the bride meet her soon-to-be husband at the altar.

"We are gathered here today to join this couple in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate. George and Lila have chosen to express their love in their own words." The Minister said.

"Quietly...." Mr. Feeny began nervously. "I have searched for love for much of my life and now that I begin this marriage of our spirits, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have found it."

Shawn grabbed onto Zoey's hand led her towards the first landing of the stairs. The two stood and watched the heart-warming ceremony.

"My only sadness is that I found you so late in life. That we've lived our lives spending more days apart than together." The Dean replied.

Meanwhile Shawn's attention was focused solely on Zoey. He reached his hand out and placed it on top of hers which she quickly swiped it away. He did it once more and she did the same thing. Without giving up, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him.

"But you've given me your love and friendship, and I promise I'll make up for that lost time." Mr. Feeny continued.

"For marriage is based on those things but friendship most of all." The Dean finished.

"Do you, George Feeny, take Lila Bolander as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold until death do you part?" The Minster asked.

Mr. Feeny nodded. "I do."

"And you, Lila Bolander, take George Feeny as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, until do you part?" The Minster questioned.

"I do." The Dean answered.

"With the powers vested in me, I now pronounced you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The Minister announced.

When Mr. Feeny and Dean Bolander kissed for the first time as a married couple, everyone in the room cheered for them.

PUBLISHED: January 17, 2019
WORDS: 522

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