44| Career Day

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Today it was career day at school. Zoey, Shawn and Cory were standing inside Mr. Turner's class, discussing something until they saw Mr. Matthews walking into the classroom.

"Hey, Cory, it's your dad. He's doing career day. All right." Zoey said.

"It's not all right. Today we find out I'm not a basketball player's son. My dad is a grocer. I'm a grocer's son. I'm a son of a grocer." Cory complained.

Mr. Matthews then approached the three nervously. "Hey, Shawn, Zoey, um... Guess how many different kinds of rice we have?"

"Oh, no." Cory groaned.

"Come on, Shawn, Zoey, guess." Mr. Matthews insisted.

"Ten?" Shawn guessed.

"Six?" Zoey wondered.

"Ten, Six." Mr. Matthews scoffed. "Twenty one, and that's not even counting the short grains. Throw them in... Forget about it!"

Zoey gave a small nod as Mr. Matthews turned around and walked away from them.

"Cory?" Shawn called.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm glad I'm not you." Shawn told him.

"I love your family, Cor, but I second that." Zoey agreed.

"Hey, boys." A familiar voice called. Zoey turned around to see her mother approaching them, wearing her café uniform. "How are you kids doing?"

Cory smiled. "I'm fine, Mrs. Francis."

"Yeah, I'm jolly." Shawn responded.

"That's good. Can't wait to speak in front of everyone." Lucy said nervously before walking to the front of the class where all the parents were at.

"First all off, I would like to say thank you to the parents for being her." Mr. Turner began as the three sat down at their desks. "After they speak, you guys should have a better idea what kind of vocations interest you." Shawn raised his hand. "Let me guess, Hunter - summer vocation?" Shawn nodded and lowered his hand. "Find some new material, will ya? Our first speaker is Topanga's father, Jedediah Lawrence."

Zoey clapped for Topanga's father as he approached the desk with a guitar.

"Thank you, Mr. Turner. I think I should begin by telling everybody what I do... I'm a luthier." Topanga's father said.

"And I'm a Presbyterian, but to each his own, I say." Shawn spoke.

"A luthier makes musical instruments." Topanga's father explained.

"No offense, sir, but that's got to be the nuttiest religion I ever heard." Shawn responded. Topanga's father than turned to Mr. Turner in confusion.

Mr. Turner laughed nervously. "Don't worry, it's not you."

"Daddy, forget about all that. Tell the who called last night." Topanga insisted.

"Oh, they don't want to hear about that, Tippy." Jedidiah replied.

"Tippy?!" Shawn, Zoey and Cory exclaimed.

Topanga turned around in her seat and growled at them.

"Tippy's nice." Cory said.

"It's my new favorite name." Shawn added.

"I love it." Zoey said with a nervous smile.

"Well, it's really no big deal, but... Bruce." Jedediah answered.

"Bruce Springsteen?" Mr. Turner asked.

Topanga nodded. "Uh-huh. I took the call. He said 'Hey, little girl, is your daddy home'?"

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