118| Better Than The Average Cory

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Zoey observed many paintings in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

One painting that caught her eyes was titled, 'The Mocking of Christ' by Hieronymus Bosch. It was an early 16th century, oil on wood painting. Christ was seen in the upper right next to Pilate and was surrounded by figured who looked more like friends than enemies that would crucify him. These so called friends of Christ were holding weapons and wearing bizarre headgear. In the paining, Jesus had a saddened look on his face while the others looked jollier.

"Now, this happens to be my favourite room in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. These abstracts are open to personal interpretations, so I want each of you to pick out a piece of artwork that speaks to you. Then speak to us about how it speaks to you." Mr. Feeny told the class as he lead them through the Museum.

Shawn, Angela and Zoey had walked up to Cory and Topanga.

"Hey, guys." Shawn greeted.

"Shawn, Angela, and I have some great news." Zoey announced.

"Hey, me too." Cory agreed.

"Shawn just got in to the photography program." Zoey informed, smiling happy at Shawn.

"Zoey also just entered the Initial Teacher Education course." Angela added.

"And Angela got an A on her essay: 'Keeping My Black Identity When I Have Four Very White Friends'." Shawn finished.

"That's great you guys." Topanga told them happily. "Cory, what was your good news?"

Cory held out a coin. "I found a penny."

"Oh. That's great too." Topanga responded.

"Alright." Mr. Feeny called as he stood in front of a painting. "Who would like to be the first to offer an interpretation of this for the class?"

Cory raised his hand and waved it in the air energetically. "Oh, pick me, Mr. Feeny! Please! Please!"

"Well, how can I turn down that kind of enthusiasm? Alright, Mr. Matthews, give us your interpretation." Mr. Feeny insisted.

Cory walked up to the painting, observed it for a moment before he turned to face the class. "I see hands tearing at the fabric of America. You can almost see the old and bitter artist as he predicts total anarchy and higher taxes and the death of the American Way."

"Excuse me, but that's totally wrong." A young girl spoke from behind him.

Cory chuckled. "Are you lost, little girl?"

"The painting is about the hope for the future and the joy of life. And the artist is not biter." The girl explained patiently.

"Look, little girl. You're just a little girl! I'm eighteen years old and you're gonna try and tell me something?" Cory questioned mockingly. "No, no, no. You just take your little 'joy of life' and pipe it, sister!" At Mr. Feeny's embarrassed motions, Cory turned to him. "What's your problem?"

"No problem." Mr. Feeny replied simply. "Keep talking. I'm going to enjoy this."

"Excuse me, Mr. Mean Man, but I know exactly what's in the painting." The girl told him.

"Oh, am I 'Mr. Mean Man'?" Cory repeated sarcastically. "Was I too mean to the little girl, hmm? Go ahead. You can tell me how you know what's in the painting. Go ahead."

"I painted it." She informed.

"Yeah, you painted." Cory scoffed before reaching forward to fold his thumb between his fingers. "And I got your nose."

"Mr. Matthews, give her back her nose." Mr. Feeny insisted.

"Oh, I'm just playing with the kid." Cory responded.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now