48| What I Meant To Say

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During school, Shawn and Zoey were walking down the halls. Zoey was currently helping Shawn, who was limping from what happened last night at Chubbies. The two walked down the small flight of stairs where they saw Cory beside his locker.

"What happened to you?" Cory asked, looking over at Shawn.

"It's the weirdest thing. Last night Zoey and I were sitting at Chubbie's, right? I'm looking deep into Zoey's chestnut eyes. I leaned forward, about to make my move, when some yahoo hits me in the butt with a dart." Shawn explained.

Zoey snickered. "As awful it was seeing Shawn in pain, it was pretty funny."

Cory laughed nervously. "You... You... You two didn't see who it was?"

"No." Shawn and Zoey answered in unison.

"A lot of sick people out there, man." Cory responded.

"So, how was your night with the lovely Topanga?" Zoey wondered with a smirk. She grabbed Shawn's hand, wrapping her fingers between his.

"It was good. Good. 90 percent good." Cory replied.

"And the other 20 percent?" Shawn asked, raising an eyebrow.

Zoey smiled innocently at her boyfriend before she smacked him upside the head. "How dumb can you be?"

"Well, I... I may have kinda gotten caught up in the moment and said some things that maybe I shouldn't have said." Cory said as the three walked into the middle of the hall.

"Cor, did you get emotional with Topanga?" Shawn questioned.

"It was hard not to. I mean, she looked so beautiful." Cory answered.

"You didn't tell her that, did you?" Shawn wondered.

Zoey rolled her eyes and tightened her grip on Shawn's hand. "There's nothing wrong about a boy calling a girl beautiful. I think it's very sweet."

"N-no! Say she's beautiful?" Cory asked with a scoff. "Yeah. Like I'd say that, Shawn. I said, 'I love you'." Immediately Shawn gasped as if he was dying. "What? What, what, what?"

"You idiot!" Shawn exclaimed. "Once word gets around what you told Topanga, every girl's gonna wanna hear it."

"What? 'I love you'?" Cory asked.

Shawn shushed him. "You're like a stinking canary!"

Cory sighed. "Come on, Shawn. I mean, I don't believe telling Topanga I love her is gonna affect anybody but me and her."

"Hey, Eric." Shawn called when he spotted Eric and his girlfriend, Christi walking past them. "Guess what? Cory told Topanga he loved her."

"Awe!" Christi said while Eric's eyes widened.

"Grandma Topanga, what's not to love?" Eric asked, lying to his girlfriend.

"You have such an adorable little brother." Christi commented.

"I sure do, don't I?" Eric questioned whilst laughing before he grabbed the back of Cory's neck. "Christi, I'll catch up with you, Okay?" Christi nodded and walked away. When she was out of sight, Eric turned to his brother like a crazy person. "What could you possibly be thinking? Christi's gonna expect me to tell her that I love her. Oh, man, I gotta do something now. Think. You gotta think, Eric." He then clutched his head. "Ow."

"Thinking cramp?" Shawn wondered.

Eric nodded. "Yeah."

"I get those, too." Shawn responded.

"All right. Christi, I love you. Christi, I love you. Christi, I... I don't even know her last name. Great, I gotta think. Ow!" Eric groaned in pain as he walked away from the three.

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