1. Resemblance

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Mirabelle's POV

My internship had finally come to an end, and it was time to go home. Upon reaching the London airport, the taxi driver, James, helped me with my luggage.

We moved them inside, and they were checked in. After I was scanned with  that ticklish device, I was allowed to proceed to the next step.

I was gonna miss London a lot. Apart from work, work, work, and more work, I had time to have fun, go to parties  amusement parks, and get a few visits from Mimi, sponsored by my parents.

Ah, my parents have been the best. They even helped me with getting this internship. And so much more good for me, I got posted back to a very renowned hospital back in my hometown.

I had my eyes on my phone as I stepped into the plane walking in the aisle. I looked off my phone for a bit and cooed under my breath when I was a little baby crawling under the seat. Without a second thought, I proceeded to bend over to bring out the child.

But that was such a wrong move. The wrongest move ever. I actually had no detail of what exactly happened, but what I could remember more was the fact that I ended up lying on the aisle, like I had fallen on a railway path.

And much to add, I had an adonis over me.

My eyes were as wide as saucers as they looked into light grey ones which had a thing lining of onyx and topaz, and for a moment, I wondered if they were real.

The baby I was after started  bubbling with giggles as she peeked at us from under the seat.

The adonis leaned his chest closer to mine and stood up on his feet, pulling me along with a loon of utter disapproval on his face.

I bent over and pulled out the child in my arms, who was smiling at me in an overly adorable way

"You're fortunate that we're in public. Learn to watch your step." He gritted, and I scoffed but didn't respond. The baby rested her head on my shoulder, and the grumpy adonis went his way to sit.

"Dear Lord, my baby!" A woman shrieked, approaching me from behind. I turned to see her, about thirty years old rushing towards me with a blindfold over her head. She must have been asleep.

The baby pouted innocently as I handed her over to her mother, who gave me a grateful look.

"Isabella drives me crazy. Please forgive me for all the bother she has taken you through. " She pleaded.

"Oh, it's fine. I think she even likes me." I replied

"I'm Lovia." She introduced.

"I'm Mirabelle...and I'm guessing she's Isabella." I assumed winking at the baby. She started giggling, and I awed at her cuteness. Her mom nodded at me

"Alright, nice to meet you Lovia..I think I'll have to return to my seat." I sighed, excusing them.

I went to my seat, and fortunately or unfortunately, whichever way was my fate, my seat was next to the adonis. Yay!

I plopped next to him and looked over at him. He was busily going through some files and checking through some really precious items.

Was that a Ruby? Damn.

Many people fancied gold, silver, and diamonds, but I was so obsessed with rubies.

"Do you know that staring is rude?" His voice was calm and velvety.


"And you are staring like a thief." He muttered.

The heck?

"Uh..excuse me?" I asked.

"You're excused."

"If anything.. you should be the one who's a thief, having these precious items in your possession." I rolled my eyes.

He tilted his head to stare at me, and my heart skipped a beat. The man was so fine...damn!! Was he even real? How could his hair look so golden brown? And why was I tempted to shift it off his forehead and just move his well sculptured face close to mine and

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Get a grip!

"I thought you said staring was rude." I folded my arms.

"And yet you're still guilty." He sighed, and I looked ahead.

"By the way, I want to apologise for earlier." I began.

"I don't care." He responded harshly, and I gasped.

"Mister, what the heck is your fricking problem?" I groaned.

"Still haven't changed, I see."

"What do you mean?" But he didn't even bother to respond. Did he know me, though?

"Who are you?" I inquired, seriously.

"Someone who doesn't want to be associated with you at any point of time in his life."

"So this someone who doesn't blah blah blah doesn't have a name?" I respond, hoping that he'd tell me his name at least.

"It's definitely not your concern." He replied.

"Seriously? Are you this naturally rude?" I scoffed.

"No, just to a few people... example, you."


"Plus, you talk too much. Shut up." He cut me off and raised both my brows at him.

"Do I resemble your ex-girlfriend or something?" I asked.

"I'm too good for you."

"Too good?"

"Exactly." He sighed and slipped on his shades, looking so hot... and rude.

I decided never to utter a word to him ever again throughout the flight.

My body wasn't well situated, but I felt somewhat comfortable. My head was against a hard surface, and so was my hand.

But I was still comfortable -

Wait, what?!

I moved my hand and heard a groan, and that was how my whole life came to an end.

I opened my eyes to see the stranger busy on his phone, unbothered about the fact that I was lowkey all over him, like his girlfriend or something.

"I hope you knew that your seat was adjustable." He spoke lowly.

"I won't mind you." I murmured, moving off his comfortable chest.

"I understand. Not many people have respect for personal space." He shook his head.

"What is your issue, Mister?" I scoffed, still trying to adjust my seat. He narrowed his gorgeous orbs at me and helped me adjust my seat. "I would say thank you, but -"

"I really don't care, Mirabelle." He mentioned my name, and I gasped.

"Who are you?!" I groaned, and he smirked.

"None of your business."

"Excuse me?" I rose a brow.

"You're excused." He pursed his lips.


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