29. Pampered

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Elvin-Eugene's POV 

My arms were folded as I sat at the dinette, and she stood at the other side of the table.

“Take two of these…No wait..” She popped two pieces of the drug out herself.

“I'm fine without it.” I glared at her.

“Did I ask?” She raised a brow, and I humbly shook my head. She walked over to stand in front of me.

“Please open your mouth.” She begged.

“I'm not a child, I can take this on my own.” 

“Fine, then have it..” She gave them to me.

“What if it's poison?” I looked up at her.

“Um..let me see…how about um…I call Mimi and ask-”

“Nobody likes a snitch.” I rolled my eyes, taking the drug and the glass of water She offered me. She smirked in victory 

Honestly, I was kinda glad I was sick. It had been so long since I've felt so pampered. Yeah, maybe I was actually suffering, but her soft tender cafe was just so emollient  

I looked at her as she gathered up the drugs on the table and fought back a smile.

When I was back in London, I forced myself into work because I honestly didn't want to have the talk with Lynelle about what she told me about. Thankfully, she was so occupied with her parents, and I left her back in London.

I didn't want to talk about it at all because honestly, it was overly complicated. 

“What would you like to have for lunch?” She asked.

“Why?” I raised a brow.

“Uh..so that I could um…make it for you..” She offered. Hell no! Letting her in again was just another mistake!

“I don't want anything.”

“But all you've had us just cornf!-”

“You're not my mother Mirabelle, cut the crap and besides, I would have been better anyway without your help.” I snapped at her.

“Oh…um…okay.” Her face brimmed in embarrassment, and I felt a bit bad. She opened the freezer, and I stood up, feeling the need to get some sleep again.

I took her blanket again and covered myself, inhaling her sweet scent, which made me feel more drowsy.


I wanted to keep on sleeping, but my stomach would stop rumbling!

I got up and groaned, feeling extremely hungry. Why did I even have to feel this way at the wrong time?

It was already 2:55pm

I got down from the bed and opted for another meal of Cornflakes, but when I stepped out of the room, the atmosphere caused an alteration in my plans.

It smelt like sauce and spaghetti, and I think..soup? My appetite was so whetted.

Then my stupid conscience just had to remind me about how I rejected her kind offer. Ugh, why was I such a jerk?

I'm pretty sure she intentionally cooked to trap me, and yeah, it was working. I went to the fridge to get some water, and my eyes were met with cranberry juice…and I imagined having it as a starter..with whatever she was making.

Maybe I could take one even though it wasn't mine.. but what if she had counted it?

Then, I entered the kitchen afterwards to throw the bottle away and to at least get a peek at what she was actually making.

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