14. Not this!

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Mirabelle's POV

"Can I have this dance?" Surprise coursed through my veins. Because it wasn't David who asked.

It was Eugene.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything as I urgently need to steal her. Hope you don't mind..." He smirked devilishly.

"Oh uh..no, not at all...I'll see you later?" He turned to me, and I was even still shocked to nod or respond.

I felt his hand wrap around my wrist before I was pulled away.

"Eugene, what the hell was that? Who does that? how dare you -"

"Shut up." He muttered, holding my waist, making me inwardly gasp at the movement that happened in my stomach.

My eyes went wide as I looked into his, which had his brows furrowed. But I remained calm, and in order not to create a scene, I simply wrapped my arms around his neck and broke our eye contact. This could not be happening!

"Why are you asking me to dance with you?" I asked, sighing under my breath.

"Because I want to." He pressed his thumb slightly on my waist, making me look up at him.

"And since when did that come about?" I looked away again.

"I do what I want." He said. I could feel his heated gaze at me

"And this is what you want? To dance with me? Or is it that you couldn't stand me being with him?" I asked, and he didn't respond.

"You know I'm asking you something..you saw me with someone  and you just come and take me away? What's that about? Are you jealous?" I asked, interlacing my fingers together on the nape of his neck and pinning him down with a straight look.

He matched my gaze, and I felt like I was shrinking, but I didn't back out.

"You really talk a lot." He spoke lowly as he twirled me,  and my back faced his front. My head was automatically moved to a side while his face was on my exposed shoulder.

My heart started racing when I felt his warm minty breath over my chest all the way to my cleavage, leaving tingles everywhere.

"Mirabelle." He whispered into my ear, and I thought for a second I was melting because his lips were slightly on my ear.

"Why have you changed your dress?" He groaned, turning me around again.

"It's-it's part of the dress code." I managed to speak, and he seemed to be amused at my nervousness.

"Aren't you and Lynelle dating?" I gave him an accusing look when he moved me bit too close, his gaze fixed on my lips I was biting.

He shook his head, and I felt some sort of relief wash over me.

"But still...what do you want from me?"

"Why are you questioning me incessantly?" He licked his lips as I inhaled.

"Because this is so unlike you, towards me...you treat me like I'm hateful then all of a sudden you want to dance with me...what?"

He didn't respond.


"Mirabelle." He mentioned my name gently and placed his forehead on mine with his eyes closed.

"You're drunk." I whispered, and he opened his eyes, staring deeply into mine. Oh God, this was crazy. "Are you doing this because it's dark and no one can see us?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"Like I said, you're drunk."

His sharp jaw jutted forward as if to kiss me,  but he only twirled me around again. My arms were locked with his, and he had his face in my neck again. This time, I could feel his lips on my skin. Directly.

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